Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Career choice needing an opinion?

Well I have no idea what I want to do after high-school but here are some topics that interest me




What can I find in those fields or all combined if possible?Career choice needing an opinion?
Generally if you select Criminology as a major subject you can still have computers and sports as an elective, you need to compare your options at various universities / colleges when applying for admission.

You can do the same even if you choose Computers Science / engineering as a major and might be able to select criminology subjects and electives (i m not sure) but you definitely cant do it with Sports as your major.Career choice needing an opinion?
What is it about those fields that interests you? Those are 3 pretty different fields.

Here are some questions to consider...

During school group projects, what job did other students assign to you, or did you volunteer for?

What kinds of projects and jobs at work and at home do you get excited about? What kinds do you dread?

Have you ever talked to a friend about a topic, a dream, or an aspiration and everything just clicked inside of you, and you felt a surge of excitement throughout your body?

What things do you see other people doing that make you ache with jealousy because you wish you were doing them?

What fills your thoughts in the quiet moments when you鈥檙e riding the train or lying in bed? What do you think about incessantly, what captures your imagination? Politics? Spirituality? Relationships?

What about computers? Still want to deal w/ people? Or sit in a back room working on hardware?

And sports? Pro athlete? Marketing? A coach (like I used to be)?

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