Saturday, March 10, 2012

Whats a good site to buy a prebuilt gaming computer?

Im looking to buy a prebuilt computer for about $1,200-1,500. What would be a good site to buy from which would test my parts to make sure they work, and give great customer support incase there were any problems. Thanks so much!Whats a good site to buy a prebuilt gaming computer?
Centaurus Computers for one - excellent customer service and great track record according to ; You can get nice i5 2500K or i7 2600K (not that much of adifference when overclocked). Then 8GB RAM (16 is overkill and stress for memory controller). Then GTX 560 Ti or 570 or ATI 6950 or even better 7970. Put all that in Cooler Master HAF 922, add fine cooler like CM Hyper 212 (it's simply perfect) or more expensive closed loop liquid cooler like Corsair H70. You will need reliable power supply kind of CM or Corsair or similar, motherboard does not make much of adifference as long as it's reliable. And Windows 7 - genuine of course.

Try to start from this one below and upgrade it up as you see fit:

it's $1299 by the wayWhats a good site to buy a prebuilt gaming computer?
Depending on how much you want to spend I would look towards or (2nd choice) or just get a list of how fast you want the computer to perform and get the parts from newegg and build it your self.Whats a good site to buy a prebuilt gaming computer?
Hey I been buildings pcs for 7 years I can build you a rig
Asus pro motherboard
16gb ram
3tb hard drive
Liquid cooling with koolance with a nice tower for 900$

Or you can goto Fry's electronics .com
Or cyber

Depends on your needs and price range. For a very expensive but top of the line rig to to where you can customize it. If thats not your style a site a like that cheapier but requires more looking is

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