Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Computer ???????????????????????/?

building a computer with the following parts:

-antek 900 case

-i7 960 processor

-intel dx58so2 motherboard extreme series

-evga gtx 570 HD video card

-8gb corsair vengeance ram

-western digital 1 terabyte

-corsair 750 watt power supply

-sony blu ray burner drive

-windows 7 professional

-has 4 fans built in plus fans for all products

what im trying to do is build one and sell it for profit. what do you think i can sell this for?

is this a wise move? is the computer buisness in good shape during this economy?

my target audience is gamers or high end buisness. I know alienware over prices theres but i need to make some profit. let me know what you think

- THANKS!Computer ???????????????????????/?
No. Intel i7-900 series are difficult to sell for profit because they are far more expensive than Intel i5-2500k which costs less and out perform the 960. On the top of my head, I'd sell that for $700. It's going to be difficult to sell an expensive outdated (yes, already outdated for the price) cpu. I looked at Alienware's lineup recently, and their high end computers use 990x cpus, which are $1000 a piece, but perform less than 10% (max) better in gaming than the $210 i5-2500k.

The computer industry is definitely slow but gamers are keeping it alive. That will run games well, but that isn't something I'd personally buy for even $700. The only people who buy Alienware are people who are tied to the brand and don't know the performance of specs. You'll never sell a computer that's specified the same as an Alienware desktop at the Alienware prices.

edit: I said $700 because I buy/sell desktops and I don't like to wait more than two week to sell something I built/purchased, but I'm sure in more time you can sell for more, but you run the risk of prices dropping.Computer ???????????????????????/?
The problem is that most of the gamers know what they want to buy, actually i don't know any who would buy a pre-built computer, but you can sell your knowledge. Just ask a consumer what they want exactly, or how much money they have, and then give them a solution cheaper that the competition.

Like if you know somebody who want to buy an alienware computer offer him the same specs he choose cheaper, and you still make a lot of money.Computer ???????????????????????/?
i have been looking for a computer and would buy it from you if i had the money but i cant. From the parts you listed i would think you could probably get somewhere from 1200 to 1800. That i7 processor is pricey and you could make a good profit with the right buyer.

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