Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Do you guys agree or disagree with the "Facebook Parenting for the troubled teen" video?…

I completely DISagree. It's HER opinion, and everyone is entitled to an opinion. OF COURSE everyone uses other people for their own good. It's NATURE! I am sorry for the girl. She posted her opinion WITHOUT actually saying it to her parents, so she wouldn't have to deal with their reactions! EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion, and blocking opinions is like being biast against religions. Punishing for opinions? How about NOT! Use words to fight words, not destroying things!

Others argue that it was the dad's laptop-- well hey, if you GIVE something to someone, THEY will OF COURSE consider it to be theirs! The parents gave her the laptop, so of course she considered it HERS! So is this saying that if you get a GIFT, it's NOT YOURS???

I am really sorry for the girl. So what she complains? SO WHAT? Just ignore it and move on! Jeeeez. It's her opinion, and she's not obligated to "take care of her parents" after she's 18. The dad VOLUNTEERED to install all the stuff on her computer, he didn't have to though! So what are you saying, first you can VOLUNTEER, and then you NEED TO ASK BACK PAYMENT IF YOUR VOLUNTEERING WASN'T APPRECIATED?? Um, no. If you volunteer you carry the risk of not getting any thanks in return. It's your choice.

And BY THE WAY, this opinion is coming from a teenager (16 year old me) who got a JOB at 15 in order to pay for my own college classes; I started college at 15 as well. I totally respect if a teenager doesn't want to do chores or have a job, it's THEIR CHOICE. I chose my choice to have a job and go to college this early, but if the girl Hanna doesn't want to have a job, then it's her choice! I'm a person who has to work hard, but I feel really sorry for the girl! So what a teen is expressing her opinion? SO WHAT?

Everyone seems to agree with this video, but my opinion is always different than most people's. What do you guys think, and what is your zodiac sign and moon?|||I strongly disagree with the man in this video. He had a choice between talking to his daughter and shooting her laptop. He took the cowards way out of the situation. It appears that the only parenting skills he has in his arsenal is a handgun. He needs to learn that parenting isn't about getting a child to do what you want. It is about raising a child into becoming a healthy, happy, stable adult. What is the purpose of his discipline? What did she do wrong? It appears that she was being a typical teenager and ranting about her parents to her friends. She may have even been PMSing. She felt safe expressing her feelings because she used facebook privacy settings to lock her parents out of seeing her status. Mentally healthy people need to blow off steam every now and again to their friends. What she said was never meant for the whole world to see. He claimed on the video that since he works in IT for a living he was able to see the status that he was locked out of. If a father publicly humiliates his daughter by opening up his facebook wall to the public, posting a video on youtube, and puts his daughter in danger of being bullied by her classmates, being bullied by strangers on the internet; does that make him a good parent? Worse yet, by making his privacy settings on facebook public and by having other videos on his youtube account, a person can easily figure out where she lives, where she goes to school, where she goes to church, who her relatives are, and where her parents work. They can also see a video of her dad getting drunk on New Year's Eve, five years ago, and kissing a guy full on the lips. That would be very embarrassing for a teenager.… The way people are talking about her, it worries me that the whole world has this information. Parenting is also about keeping your child safe. A firearm is not a parenting tool, and neither is public humiliation.

Capricorn Sun and Taurus Moon|||He wanted to make an impression in her mind, that she ought not to bad mouth her parents again. Now she will have to get a job, to buy herself a computer, if she really wants one.|||He went pretty far, but judging by his daughter and her generation, he need to go that far lol.|||She was disrespectful, sure.

His response was waaaaay over the top.

I am sure there is a lot of back story there.

I am a Cap Sun %26amp; Taurus Moon|||Agree.|||I disagree.|||I'm on my mobile phone and can't see it. What did he do? Lol|||I can't see the video because I'm on my phone.

I was kinda surprised when reading your point of view.. I think like that, too, and have been judged harshly for it.

Anyways.. better get off the internet. My parents are control freaks among other things.. I'm 18 and they freak out over me surfing the net.|||I side with the father on this one. Some teenagers need to be taught how to use the internet responsibly and consider the ramifications of what they post online and I believe that was his whole point. I don't think it's about preventing her from expressing her opinion, I think the father just too exception to the way she did it.

While I don't feel what she wrote was all that bad considering what it could have been, the fact that she had already been disciplined for similar postings previously and still did not change her behaviour speaks volumes. I can't say I would have shot the laptop 9 times, but I can see myself breaking it or just taking it away to teach a lesson like that.

I don't believe in physical discipline or verbally abusing people, so all in all I don't think what he did was that bad. I get the whole posting on her page may have been humiliating, but again I understand why he did it.|||I agree with this guy. My dad's a lot like him, a part of raising kids is the say to rep-remand, take and give. If she bought that lap top that would have been unacceptable. But seeing as he BOUGHT and PAID FOR it, its his property and he can do whatever the hell he wants. In today's society its all about having a soft, understanding nature, there's nothing wrong with that, but parents are there for a reason, to guide and push us in the right path. If a train was coming and ur daughter tied to the track and insisted u let her stay there, but u saw a train coming, she didn't u move her and not let her get hit, sometimes kids do have to learn by mistakes, and this is how she learned, you don't learn by getting away with it..

NOW. On the matter of her stating her opinion, yes everyone has a right to an opinion, but there's a fine line between venting, or straight up disrespect. That's what friends, phones, diary's are for until you figure out your parents have been right about a lot of stuff all along%26amp;ur not the misunderstood person u thought u were. She put her side of the story up and how she feels about it, and disrespected, why can't her dad put up his side of the story too? What goes around comes around. Personally, I think she deserved that, she doesn't deserved to beaten up or abused or anything for putting up an opinion for everyone to see where her dad and mom have no say, but I think this action (seeing as she was forewarned) is appropriate.|||I actually see the father's point in this video, it seems like she's been rude for a while that it reached the father to a point where he just lost it so that was the result. She had to learn the hard way, that was her fault. It's not like the father physically hurt her.|||I hope his daughter learns her lesson. You just don't disrespect your parents. I am totally on the fathers side. I wonder if this will make headlines on ABC or court.

He said on his facebook wall that if he knew this video was gonna be that popular he wouldnt have posted it.|||You make a lot of good points. I agree with most of the things you've said. However, at the end of the day there is no denying that she was a bit "ungrateful" sounding in her FB post. After all, chores are a responsibility most parents discipline there children with. At 15, she shouldn't she really isn't at that the stage where she should expect pay fot things she should automatically do in her parents house hold. Chores for people that age aren't about money. It's about building character and responsibility.

aspicco up there makes a good point too. If there is more to the story, like the girls dad being a crazy abusive father or something, then that's different. But the post that girl put on FB doesn't show any signs of being "abused". She sounded simply like a spoiled ungrateful little brat complaining about chores. Like you said though, everyone is entitled to their opinion. No matter how ridiculous they may seem. (In my opinion that girl sounded like an ungrateful little brat). If she wants to b*tch about things that aren't that bad then let her I guess. Like you said, she didn't even intend for him to see that. Hell we all say/think/write things we don't want others to see/hear when we're alone. And it didn't appear that the girl showed signs of rebellion in her parents presence. He sneaky b*stard father kept sneaking on her FB. My philosophy is don't volunteer your services and just expect people to be grateful. Basically like what you said.

You can give a kid the world, you can try to instill responsibility and all of that stuff on top of it, but what you can never give a person is their soul. Everyone is born with a different inner spirit. Either you're born humble and grateful, or your not. (And of course you have those extra outside influences that MAY tweak your basic/innate personality if those influences compliment your basic personality). Sounds to me like the girl was spoiled to the point where she felt she shouldn't have to do any chores. If anything, maybe the father should work more on instilling the value of humility and appreciated. But again, even if he did do that, who's to say it would actually work. Certain people are just innately ungrateful and too stubborn to change that trait.

(I answered this question based on the fact that "feerdom of opinoin" is a popular ideal. Now I'm gonna put in my two cents based on my OWN belief on this "freedom of opinion" stuff. I want to point out that some "opinions" simply should not be held. Yeah, I'm being bold about it. If someone would have stood up to Hitlers crazy *ss opinions about Jews, MANY Jews wouldn't have been slaughtered. My point is I don't FULLY give a damn about the whole "freedom of opinion" thing. I feel if you have a crazy *ss opinion that can be the cause of harm to another, then yeah, your *ss should be censored and yeah your *ss should be disciplined. That girl that posted the FB post didn't voice opinions that were too "violence invoking", but her "opinions" where obviously drastic enough to require punishment. That's the problem with people now a days, they think just because it's an "opinion" it's okay. B*llsh*t. Because there always little miserable misfits that misuse the ideal of "freedom of speech". Boundaries need to be drawn somewhere).

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