Sunday, March 4, 2012

My parents get mad at me because I play video games.?

Ok so my mom and dad get mad at me for no reason just because i want to chill at the computer and play some games. Well mostly my dad because he thinks im spending to much time on it.

Honestly i dont think so, the most time i spend on it is about 2 hours and thats when i get home after school after i finish up my homework and eat. Seriously...its not about my grades or because im being disobedient. its because i need some down time, ya know..some unwinding after school.

So my day starts off as a normal day and I wake up and stuff, eat breakfast then go to school, then school ends i come home do any homework if i even have any homework. I eat and then take my shower and then I chill at the computer. My dad comes home at around 5:30ish and he goes to my mom and blows up about it saying "How long has he been on?" ok for me school gets out at around 3:45pm and the time i get on is about 5:00pm i haven't even been on that long. he should already know how much ive been on. Anyway he comes over to me and says "How long ya gonna be on?"

Im like "about an hour and a half" He goes crazy and says I need to take a break from it because he says im "burning up the hard drive with high graphics" Now we have had a computer in the past and it suddenly wore out because its been used a lot and it was a good computer for about 5 years. He says its my fault. Honestly i dont even use it that much. If he can make up silly excuses that im "burning up his hard drive" and that "Oh i need to use it for work" he must be insane because he has his own work laptop that he has. I dont know why i cant just chill for while after school without being yelled at all the time. What do you guys think?My parents get mad at me because I play video games.?
if i were you i would have gone berserk XD

anyway the excuse that he've made makes no sense at will have to take more than two hours or so to possible burn everthing're just chilling out for like two hours(that's acceptable)you're human too and you need some fun once in a while as should really have aconversation with your parents.My parents get mad at me because I play video games.?
Maybe they feel you need physical exercise. Do you play ball or run? You need 1 hour a day of exercise after school. You may not be over weight but you need cardiac exercise as well. I don't know the particulars but you may need to communicate with you father better.My parents get mad at me because I play video games.?
I'll play games after school all the time, i even ask if i can play and she says yes, and she'll still seem to feel like i play to much. But i dont really know what or how to fix this, sorry.

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