Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gateway Computer wont turn on?

I have a gateway desktop computer we lost power the other night and whn it came on I heard a pop noise. Then the computer wont turn on I have a single Green LED light on the Mother board but the computer wont turn on or do anything. I assumed it was a Power supply so I replaced it, still getting the same results. I used a screw driver to bypass the on / off switch hoping it was the problem but still nothing. What should I do next???Gateway Computer wont turn on?
Inspect the motherboard for all capacitors. If any capacitor is bloated looking or leaking, that is your problem. You can replace the capacitor if you have a soldering iron and you replace it with the same type of capacitor of the same Farad capacity as the old one. It is not that hard to desolder an old capacitor and put a new one on there.

It might also be your memory or your CPU got fried along with the PSU blowing out.Gateway Computer wont turn on?
It makes me glad I bought a battery backup. Still, computers lose power all the time without any problem. I've used all my mental powers, and your problem seems beyond any advice I could give. You have that little green light so maybe your power supply is alright. I dunno though. Sorry, and good luck.

PS I think you're fckd.Gateway Computer wont turn on?
Your motherboard is fried.
You get beep tone?

Maybe motherboard



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