Saturday, March 10, 2012

Computer geeks: help me!!!?

Every time I try to google search, it redirects to a page called "diet puma" and it only happens on google. what is this?Computer geeks: help me!!!?
Google refirect virus !

Look in youtube " how to get rid of google redirect virus "

In one day many peoples get infected by those worms ! It is rarely but there are many solutions !
Your computer is infected with the 'redirect' virus. To remove it, please follow this removal guide:鈥?/a>Computer geeks: help me!!!?
That would be called "browser hijacking"

You need to run antivirus/antimalware.

Start with MalwareBytes...

Hopefully that fixes it. Also check your computer's proxy settings after that... everything should probably be turned off (That's in the the control panel %26gt; internet options %26gt; LAN settings)
Malwarebytes doesn't catch this one. It is a rootkit virus.

The current version of TDssKiller does.Computer geeks: help me!!!?
You have a rootkit infection. Read this:鈥?/a>

Scan with this:鈥?/a>

Next, scan with this also:鈥?/a>
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