Sunday, March 4, 2012

Webcam porn video on husband's computer?

I found a webcam porn video on my husband's computer recently %26amp; was disgusted with hearing his voice ordering around this girl. I know it was him based on his language %26amp; type of sex talk.

I know he looks at regular porn %26amp; we've discussed porn before, but this type of porn I think is cheating. When we have discussed porn in the past he gets all defensive. I want to bring it up to him but i know he'll deny it. Then he'll likely just hide it from me. This video looks like it was made in Sept before we got married %26amp; found out we were expecting.

There's nothing else like it on his computer. I realize I shouldn't be looking at his computer, but I think my husband has a porn addiction %26amp; hides it from me. He looks at porn on his cell phone everyday but he clears his history now %26amp; when I'm not home he looks at porn. I should also mention he was single for a long time %26amp; I think got into this porn habit.

I should also mention that we have a great sex life %26amp; I've asked him if he looks at these videos because I don't satisfy him enough. He said it's just fantasy %26amp; he would never want his wife to do what these girls do in these videos.

I don't know what to do? Please give me advice. If I bring it up he'll deny it %26amp; get mad %26amp; then hide it from me, but if I don't it'll keep bugging me %26amp; then I won't know what he's up to because he'll hide it. What should I do?Webcam porn video on husband's computer?
Well first of all I have to agree that this is something you should really have a talk about before you get married. All men watch porn obviously but sometimes it can get very out of control for some individuals. I think you should talk to him about it and explain why the whole webcam thing crossed a boundary with you. Tell him that his porn watching bothers you because at times you feel it may be excessive and you really don't understand why he needs it so much seeing as how he's getting plenty at home. If he starts to deny it just calmly explain to him that you're not putting him on trial and that honestly as husband and wife you should be able to have an open conversation about this. I think men just don't really understand why porn bothers women. Men are a little bit hypocritical when it comes to this topic because honestly if you were constantly looking at pictures of naked men or ordering some naked guy around on a computer your husband would probably not appreciate it (maybe you should make that point to him). And I doubt he would accept the response "Seriously it's only fantasy". The fact is your upset because you feel like your husband desires something different from yourself, and that is a very painful thought to have. I think the best thing you can do is approach the situation honestly and completely open about how you feel and see how it goes.
If you just think you are his private porn star, you will fail miserably. He obviously sees more in you than just a fantasy f***. Him watching porn is completely separate from his relationship with you. I think that it is telling that he says that he would never want his wife to do what he sees in the videos.Webcam porn video on husband's computer?
Can the man please have a little privacy!

He married you and is raising a family with you he could be at a strip club spending the rent money instead. Would you prefer that?

I know what will make things better... Tell him to make a porn with you then he can upload it for the world to see. If you have a great sex life then we wouldn't mind watching.
H, i'm sorry you are going throurh this. Pray for your husband that he will no longer have the desire to look at such trash. God can change anyone. If you are not going to church find one. You can also talk to a pastor there. They might even offer marriage counseling. Good luck. I will be praying for you.Webcam porn video on husband's computer?
mind your own gdam business. he gave you a kid now let him have his porn in peace. jesus christ lady.
This is something you should have dealt with BEFORE you got pregnant and married him.
He's a pervert. Bit late finding out now...
Honestly pray for your husband because you can鈥檛 change him only Jesus can change him. I know you feel sad but honestly pray for your husband because your not alone many woman who are married go through this. Some men look at this dirt and think its ok but they have no clue how bad it makes woman feel. Hang in there and try and not pay attention to it... and just pray for him and try and get into a good church.
Your husband has a porn addiction and very probably a masturbation addiction as well. I know, I've been there. It's like visual crack for guys, and since we are visually attracted creatures, it's a tough one to get rid of. A book that can help him out is called "Every Man's Battle". Its about kicking porn and masturbation addiction. It's great but may come off a bit churchy. Couple this with "the seven principles for making marriage work". So far, these are working for me. I videotaped girls talking dirty to me in person in the initial 3 years of my 15 year marriage. My wife recently found out about this and the impact even though this is behavior I stopped 12 years ago, has been DEVASTATING. Make no mistake, I truly love my wife and can't undo the selfish neglect I've displayed in the past. MAKE HIM TALK TO YOU. Put your foot down, threaten to leave and DO IT if he doesn't talk to you. It's his problem and now YOURS as well. If he does stop, he'll be coming to you for all his sex outlet needs. Be prepared for this as it will be part of the process. Set benchmarks for him to reach, rewards for good honest behavior, and verify the goals have been met before rewarding him. Be consistent, keep him talking about you and him, let him know you are proud of his progress when he makes it. Don't let him deny and hide. Force the issue and put your foot down HARD. Don't make a threat unless you are fully prepared to carry it out. But above all do not ignore this and expect he'll solve this on his own. He WON'T. Few guys can actually kick this without professional and or spousal help. You can give up or you can help turn it around. I hope this is helpful to you. Good luck.
I have been in a similar situation..found porn on computer saved porn pics on my fiances phones ect...confronted him and he got defensive so I explained to him how I felt and asked him how he would feel if I was doing stuff like thay behind his back and how it would make him feel. I told him that I couldn't trust him anymore. And if he keep doing it then I was through because I felt degraded, that it made me feel like I wasn't good enough and that I didn't deserve to feel like I couldn't trust the person I advice to u is to sit down with him tell him how u feel. Make him aware that it affects u and maybe if it doesn't get better then he should seek addiction counseling for this problem

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