Saturday, March 10, 2012

My microphone is silent?

I've been away in France for the past four days and have now returned to my desktop to find that my headset microphone is near silent. By near silent I mean that my microphone cannot pick up my voice at all unless I shout into it, even then it's near impossible to figure out what I'm saying. What is causing this and how do I fix it. I record YouTube videos so it's crucial that I get this fixed. Not only that but it means that I can't talk to my friends. I have that microphone boost on the mic volume set to full. but still nothing. Does anyone know of a fix. By the way I tried it on another computer and I had the same issues there.My microphone is silent?
find the company name go to there site down load the driverMy microphone is silent?
signed into my account from another computer so facebook is making me verify myself by listing my birthday and friend's photos.

But I changed my birthday to a birthday that I don't remember because this creep kept following me. I kept blocking him but he made different accounts. I changed most of all my information to random ones so he couldn't find me, I even changed my last name. Now it's been a year and I want to get back to this facebook but I can't remember the birthday that I made up.

Also for verifying friends, I was one of those people who just accepted everyone and anyone because I just wanted my friend count to be high..yeah shallow, I know but I don't know how to verify any of the

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