Sunday, March 4, 2012

How can I meet women in a school library?

17, male.

studying in CEGEP (between high school and uni) in the part of Canada where I live.

anyways, most of the time outside of my classes is spent in the library so that less time outside of school is spent on schoolwork. this really is the only way i can have a life. some people socialize in school, i socialize with my friends on weekends and go to the gym on weekdays after i get home at 6 and eat supper, and finish or review my homework afterwards.

since ive been working in the library, a lot of cute girls/women catch my eye...

and i doubt many guys are willing to say hi to them or meet them, because it's not socially normal for people to go out of their way to meet someone they know nothing about...

im curious though... and i really want to do what i can to talk to some of them while making it as least awkward possible.

tips? what can i do?

they arent always reading books. most are in study booths, some are on computers set up near the front of the library, and some are sitting down on more comfortable chairs aligned close-by to read in.

if you read this, please answer. thanks!

what if you were one of the people i wanted to approach. wouldnt you be flattered? how should i do it?How can I meet women in a school library?
Smile and say "hello"...

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