Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Major back pain at 16 years old?

Its not abnormal for me to have slight back pain once ina while but its always mainly tolerable. But today after getting out of the shower my back entirely froze up in pain and anything i did made it more painful so that i had to drop to the floor slowly and cautiously and lay there for like 15 minutes lettig out short grunts of pain and breathing really hard. I eat pretty healthy, used to be pretty active, however havent been for like the last 4 months or so because ive been depressed, and really dont do much to strain it. My mom feels as though i might have a tiny bit of scoliosis, not because she can see my spine bend but because one side of my back is more raised when i bend over and the buttcheek on the same side is bigger..

about the pain, its pretty nearly unbearable, i have to clench my abs and not breathe every time i want to move.. which is how i got to the computer.

what the hell do i do and what is it? it feels like its in my spine right in the middle of my back mainly like rights in the area of my bra-clipping thing and above and below.Major back pain at 16 years old?
you probably do have a minor case of scoliosis (many people do) and your probably just tweaked your back getting out of the shower, so your best bet your be to go see a physiotherapist or chriropractor.

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