Sunday, March 4, 2012

What kind of sewing machine should I get?

I need a sewing machine that isn't big, but is professional. I need it to be able to strait stitch, zig zag and do button holes. I need it to be simple (no computers).What kind of sewing machine should I get?
Define "professional", please. Are you trying to start a business? If so, the warranties on home machines are voided by using them for business... they're just not made to take the sort of hour after hour beating machines get in a production setting.

Home machines, which are the machines I know best, are pretty much of a size, except for the 3/4 size machines, which will save you a few cubic inches of storage space, and the "mini" and "handheld" machines that don't work well for long if they work well at all.

Industrial machines are generally single purpose:鈥?/a>

In between the two are the sorts of machines you find at dry cleaner's shops, basically a beefed up home machine, usually called a commercial machine.

Here's my take on sewing machines for beginners:鈥?/a>

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