Saturday, March 10, 2012

A computer just for WoW?

My husband has been introduced to World of Warcraft and now wants a computer just for gaming. I've never been a gamer type so I don't understand what makes for a great system for such things.

Any suggestions? Or if there are any WoW types out there, what would your dream set up be?A computer just for WoW?

Do not get a laptop for gaming - they are just not designed for gaming - meant to be portable, while gaming machines mean hot and power hungry hardware which is not what laptops should be.

Get a good gaming desktop with nice CPU and video card and it will cut through WOW as knife in butter. But it should be designed for gaming.

Check link below - all those computers are optimized for WOW, built with hardware that is known to be great with WOW. I would recommend at least Paladin model , may be with video card upgrade, even like this it is capable of running WOW on high settings. While Warrior is no doubt an excellent gaming machine capable of running any game on high, and future-proof. Good luck!A computer just for WoW?
Budget. Budget. Budget.

WoW can be ran any just about any computer that has a dedicated video card instead of one integrated on the motherboard. (nvidia and amd/ati are dedicated video card manufacturers, intel video cards suck).

You can buy a customized computer from cyberpowerpc or Ibuypower for about the price of the components (fair deals). This is the way to go if you are not comfortable building your own computer, and want something for gaming.

Or you could try the gaming republic Asus laptops commonly found at best buy for about 1000 dollars. These will run any game available on high settings.

If you provided how much you'd be willing to spend I would be able to find you the best bang for your buckA computer just for WoW?
He wants to buy a gaming PC!

Dell's Alienware are very popular however expensive!

You can pay anywhere from $600 to $10000 for computer's it's all about deciding on what you need.

I also play WoW and it runs fine on a lot of PC's but I'd recommend this sort of PC for smooth gameplay. However this PC is made for WoW.鈥?/a>

Although I'd personally go for Higher Ram it may be a good bet.
ive played wow since its come out (played since launch day) and for the past 5, 6 years, alienware laptops have been perfect for me, however it can usually be without a price range for some, if that be the case i'd suggest an asus computer with most likely an upgraded graphics card

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