Sunday, March 4, 2012

Computer went to blank blue screen then turned back on by itself?

My sister was on Youtube and the computer went to a blank blue screen, then it turned off and turned back on by itself. Now

It wasn't the blue screen of death obviously.

Now it's saying all this crap:

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

OS Version: 6.1.7601.

Locale ID: 1033

What could this be caused by?Computer went to blank blue screen then turned back on by itself?
maybe virus. Try scan it. Or the best way is format your laptop.Computer went to blank blue screen then turned back on by itself?
Could be a virus, although my laptop does this when it over heats. The best thing to do is reset it to an earlier point, e.g. a month ago. :)Computer went to blank blue screen then turned back on by itself?
Restart it in safe mode if windows. This might fix it.

Possible this could be a virus attack鈥?/a>
If it didn't have the Microsoft Windows error code starting with 0x......, then it most likely is a virus.

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