Sunday, March 4, 2012

How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?

I have a full time job but want to work on this during my free time.

what computer languages do I need to become fluent in, if any?

im 19, is this too old to become an SEO specialist?How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?
ya 19 is way to old next year you will be able to retire鈥?/a>How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?
You will need to learn the skills of a webmaster. C++, Java, HTML, and the like. There are many webhosting programs that you can use to increase your SEO. It's basically adding top key words that people search. Check out for free Java lessons.

I am starting a new business myself, and I have a blog. If you'd like to keep in touch, look me up.
you need the basic knowledge of HTML to understand and implement On Page SEO and either you can do some short course for SEO or study some books on SEO. ITs not hard to learn and you are very young and can learn quick and work as a part time. SEO consultant get pain good money here and salary start from 拢25 to 拢55 as its depends on your experience. Good luck and don't waist time and start your Internet Marketing journey.How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?
Kash explain everything and just follow his instructions
No your not old actually your age is just fine. If you already have an experience in SEO you should try to visit Team Launcher at here you can experience real SEO.
no you are not too old to become a seo.. and you can even become one without studying computer languages

you have to know what is to be done how search engine work that all and a little hard work

read seo blog post, try to start your own website or blog for practice.. you can learn from you experiences
You're not too old. You can become an SEO Specialist as long as you're dedicated to learn Search engine optimization. Read the tutorials provided by -鈥?/a> . Then try to apply what you have learned on your own blog.

To better understand SEO, you have to practice utilize the SEO strategies you learn.

In SEO, it's recommended that you are knowledgeable in HTML and CSS. An additional background in PHP is also good so you have idea in doing web content editing.
you need to know HTML tags, and social networking and bookmarking sites.

This is enough...
Your age is just right to become a Search Engine Optimizer(SEO). If you want to become an SEO then you will need to be fluent in Basic HTML %26amp; Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) Coding and have some idea about Dynamic HTML Coding. Knowledge about XHTML would be an added advantage for you. Further, you should also go through SEO Online Tutorials which can be found through Internet Search Engines like Yahoo and so on. These tutorials can give you knowledge about the On-Page %26amp; Off-Page Optimization Techniques which are used in SEO. You should also have a good command over the English Language along with fluent communication skills if you want to excel in the Social Media Optimization(SMO) Task of SEO. All the Best for your career.
To become an SEO expert you need to learn all of the basics search at Google and you'll get so many tutorials for the same.
There are many way you can learn about SEO, first you can learn it by joining any good seo institute, second you can learn it by someone who knew it already or working in SEO firms.
Well, learn SEO of course you don't need to be fluent in any computer language except HTML, PHP and CSS, though others are highly recommended. This can only be done by applying what you learn. I suggest you develop your own site and learn from experience. Once you get a idea about the hole process, offer your services to clients, webmasters that have a budget and need someone to do SEO work for them.
The only problem is find such clients. I suggest gig based websites at first and internet marketing forums later.
If you鈥檙e 19, you鈥檙e not too old to start learning any type of work you want to pursue as a career. The best way to learn SEO is through on-hands experience. Create a few different websites and test different techniques on them. It will take a while to see results, but your patience will pay off in the end. While it wouldn鈥檛 hurt you to learn several computer languages, the main necessity is knowledge of basic HTML. One great resource for learning about all the different aspects of SEO is Also, the website is a good resource for learning about the latest news in the industry. If you run into an SEO problem and get stumped, is a good forum for finding answers to questions, though they deal with a wide range of topics and not just SEO.

Good luck!
Basic HTML,link building, and on-page optimization are some of the things you need to get started. No, it's not early. The earlier you learn SEO, the better. :)
To become a SEO specialist, age is not any factor. You just need to learn a lot about SEO. How search engines works, what are keywords, how to do link building etc etc. There is no programing are language needed to learn. Just simple wordpress sites are ok. But you need to learn proper SEO strategies that works. Check out the source below to learn SEO in-depth.

This is a great time as you are still developing and have the time to learn about all of these different things. However you need something to start you off and I believe that you can find a lot of things here to start you off.
I think as long as you are familar with link building services and search engines crawling ways. and learn more seo methods.You will be a good Search Engine Optimizer.But it is hard to a newbie.If you could insist on this subject.I think you will succed on it. I use this company to do my seo and backlinks. They are cheap and do a great job. Very nice people.
PHP is best language to learn beacause most of websites are made by PHP.and you will be able to learn seo also. go to http://magicaltipsandtricksofseo.blogspo鈥?/a> to learn seo lessons
You are not to old at all. I am an seo expert and have only 5 years experience at 34.

You will need to learn about keyword research, on and off page seo and link building.

SEO is an every changing beast so no matter when you start to learn you are never far from the cutting edge.

I started my own company selling link building packages and am doing very well. All it takes is a lot of research and learning. Never buy information as it is always available online for free, just hunt around aand you will find it. SEOBook is a good place to start.

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