Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm 18 and I've never had a boyfriend so what can I do about this guy?

I'm 18 and the guy I like is age 20. I tapped his arm and he went bright red taking deep breathes after talking I asked him for help on my pc and he told me to shift (move) so i did a little (wheelie chairs) but I turnt my head to see him like an inch or two away from me, hes never came close before like kissing distance he was looking at the computer screen not at me as he seemed shy so complimented him and he softened his voice..The guy is only shy around me %26amp; always blushes around me and stares and is always helpful/really polite/nice with me more than other people. He touched my knee with his once very subtly and checked me out slowly once.

I told him straight to his face that I really like him more than a friend and his reaction was happy/shocked then he said he sort of has a non serious girlfriend but he is single now.

But on the contrary now he knows for sure that I like him he wants to avoid all touching now even accidental. He used to kind of shake when I touched him, lol the first time it was like he got an electric shock and he retracted his arm but then put it back. One time I touched him quite alot without realizing %26amp; he told me looking surprised/happy saying you gotta stop doing that %26amp; touched him again and he frowned looking tiny bit sad? I鈥檝e never had a boyfriend. What do u think about it all? (me left)I'm 18 and I've never had a boyfriend so what can I do about this guy?
if he's single now ask him out

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