Sunday, March 4, 2012

Game Design or Computer Science?

I am very confused as to what to pursue. I am in NO way an artist, however with college they may teach me how to draw better. I am in my second semester and am still doing geneds because I am unsure of my major, but I am thinking of going into the gaming industry.

My question is what part of the gaming industry should I go for? I am a very creative person and can imagine up some crazy ideas, however expressing them in art may be a challenge since I am no artist. Will art software be a proper substitute though for an inability to draw on paper? The best I can draw are stick figures lol.

I also know how to do a bit of scripting and triggering, specifically with world/map editors, such as the ones in Warcraft/Starcraft. I have looked up the BSc in Computer Science but I know that course requires lots of math/logic. I dont like math, so I don't know if the technical side is for me.

The concept method(Design) doesn't really require any math, just a lot of fine arts and humanities.

If there is anyone that has been in a similar situation or has a BSc in Computer Science or Game/Art Design, please help me out!!

Thank you very much!!!Game Design or Computer Science?
good luck my kid is doing the same if you have the collage FUNDS please don't ruin your opportunity PLEASE do well.
MATH is very much important for game designing. Since you say that you are not good in designing you need to enter only in the scripting line for which Math and Logic is very important. You don't have to be a guru in maths but should be strong in basics of Algebra. If you are in Chennai ICAT institute should be your place. It offers courses in Game Design and even the famous E.A recruits here :) If you are very serious about a career in gaming then Pune is your destination for it has many famous colleges offering best Game design courses. It also has some of the worlds best gaming comps like Ubisoft and so on. If you are even more passionate Vancouver Film School(VFS) in Vancouver is your destination. It has some of the best game design courses in the world. It is in middle of E.A , Pixar, Dreamworks, Activision and Ubisoft offices. People are recruited there itself :)Game Design or Computer Science?
Many games now, like Warcraft, use 3D modeling/animation type software for their visuals. It's possible to be really killed with that while (like me) kinda lack in the drawing department. I love working with that sort of software. There are many different jobs to be done though with things like game development from the initial idea through to completed product.
both get a AS in comptuer science or AA in fine art and game art if your communty college teaches it then find a grapghic arts program at the uni level you want a college that can teach you how to make games the guild hall is a great masters program. code for majors and code for designers is different so make sure you know how to code or it will be hell. get a cert in comptuer science focus in c,c++,c#.

learn udk learn 3ds max and maya zbrush and mudbox and photoshop.

learn to draw better these skill come into play when its crunch time.

heres a link to the guildhall

email Rene arch

the want 3.0s so plan it to take your maths and physics and stuff at community level.

scad is decent as WELL FOR VOCATIONAL SCHOOL.Game Design or Computer Science?
Ive heard gaming is harder to get a job in. Computer science can be used for a lot lot more I believe but it depends what you want to do as a career...
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