Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?

Ok so a while back in October My older sister and her boyfriend came to visit so they slept in my bed, and I slept in my brother's bed, and my brother slept on the couch. Anyways before I was falling to sleep in my brother's bed I felt like something bad was going to happen, or something bad is going to happen, regardless, I fell asleep anyways hoping the feeling would pass. During the REM state of sleeping, I think that's what its called, its the state where your about to fall asleep and your really close to, but if someone touched your or shook you awake you would wake up, anyways during that stage, I felt large, strong hands grab my ankles, it was dragging me off the bed! I woke up really quick but I was in the same spot! but it felt so real! I was scared shitless so I just fell back asleep again, hoping that everything was going to be alright. When I woke up I told my mother this because I remember her recalling stories of her childhood of this like this, anyways she told me she had the same "entity" around her as a child in Michigan, but when she moved to Florida (our current residence) it would stop following her, it would stare over her while she was sleeping, but it would never touch her, well it dragged me almost off the bed! Well it felt like it at least....Anyways it didn't reaper for a few months later, I felt the same bad feeling as last time, but this time I remained calm, my mind and body were at a mellow peaceful stage, anyways I felt myself being carried with my blanket around me towards the ground, I then felt something large, but not heavy lay on top of me. I couldn't see anything because the blanket was around me, and when I gain consciousnesses of what was going on, the dream ended and I was back in my bed, but it felt so real!! Then tonight, which scared me the most, I was up on the computer up in till 2 in the morning, during 1ish I heard my back door open and the little chimes get louder, I dashed to the back door, but saw that it was closed, I ignored it for now, but knew something was up. After that I decided to go to bed, so as I was crawling into bed I felt that same, eerie feeling...I knew that it was in there..But like always I just tried to ignore it, what could I do? anyways as If Was falling asleep I felt hands grab my ankles again, but this time they didn't let go, and I couldn't move, I couldn't even scream, it felt as if I was putty in his hands, after that big scare, I could see a silhouette at the edge of my bed where my feet where, it looked like a large man's shadow, after that I heard a small, but deep giggle, like a playfulish giggle, now here I am scared shitless at the computer, I would like to know on how to get rid of it, but also why is it here and what can I do about it. Thank you so much for your support, and sorry this was long ^^;

RE: And no I'm not Christian, so before anyone starts with the "believe in Jesus bs" I'm simply just going to block your comment, I'm comfortable in my own religion, but thanks for the offer :)How to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?
I take elements from mutliple beliefs to rid myself of spirits. I would light a blessed white candle and ask a higher power to protect you (I think Wiccans and Christians do this). I would also burn dried sage and say "I bless this house in light and love" (which is a Native American ritual, I think).

I also would try to talk to the spirit. Alot of time they just want attention. Sometimes they don't know they are dead. Sometimes they are protective, and sometimes they are evil. Depends on if it's a 'demon' or just a desceased person. Sprits are like people, some are good, some are bad. But often they just want recognition.

If it's evil it will feed on fear, so I would definately put my trust into a higher power (God, a collective unconciousness, the universe, etc.). If it were me, I'd say outloud, "I surrender my will and self to a higher power in the belief that he/she will protect me. I ask this higher power to guide this spirit/demon to the place where it needs to be and to bring peace into this house and my life).

You HAVE to BELIEVE in the love, light, trust, etc. You can't just say the words.

If in time, this doesn't work, or it comes back. Then I'd probably get a medium to come into the house or even a priest or different religious people to bless it. If it still doesn't work, then the spirit may be tied to the property, in which case you might need to move.How to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?
I have experienced things of similar nature before..when I was resting, my pillow was pulled out from under my head, and my blanket was pulled in one direction away from me. I am only 14, but I have the ability to hear, feel and sense spirits, good and bad. I believe, you, and I think that the suggested method with the candle will help. Even if you are atheist, like I partially am (leaning towards it), the sign of the cross, and other religious symbols DO help, even if you do not believe. They helped me.

Good luckHow to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?
Perhaps a few different things going on here....sounds like you floated out of body....astral projected....I have done this before as well....many people the first few times believe they were dreaming. You may have a spirit there as well, but it don't always mean it's bad.....perhaps it try to help you back in your body, or just wanted your attention.

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