Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?

Ok so a while back in October My older sister and her boyfriend came to visit so they slept in my bed, and I slept in my brother's bed, and my brother slept on the couch. Anyways before I was falling to sleep in my brother's bed I felt like something bad was going to happen, or something bad is going to happen, regardless, I fell asleep anyways hoping the feeling would pass. During the REM state of sleeping, I think that's what its called, its the state where your about to fall asleep and your really close to, but if someone touched your or shook you awake you would wake up, anyways during that stage, I felt large, strong hands grab my ankles, it was dragging me off the bed! I woke up really quick but I was in the same spot! but it felt so real! I was scared shitless so I just fell back asleep again, hoping that everything was going to be alright. When I woke up I told my mother this because I remember her recalling stories of her childhood of this like this, anyways she told me she had the same "entity" around her as a child in Michigan, but when she moved to Florida (our current residence) it would stop following her, it would stare over her while she was sleeping, but it would never touch her, well it dragged me almost off the bed! Well it felt like it at least....Anyways it didn't reaper for a few months later, I felt the same bad feeling as last time, but this time I remained calm, my mind and body were at a mellow peaceful stage, anyways I felt myself being carried with my blanket around me towards the ground, I then felt something large, but not heavy lay on top of me. I couldn't see anything because the blanket was around me, and when I gain consciousnesses of what was going on, the dream ended and I was back in my bed, but it felt so real!! Then tonight, which scared me the most, I was up on the computer up in till 2 in the morning, during 1ish I heard my back door open and the little chimes get louder, I dashed to the back door, but saw that it was closed, I ignored it for now, but knew something was up. After that I decided to go to bed, so as I was crawling into bed I felt that same, eerie feeling...I knew that it was in there..But like always I just tried to ignore it, what could I do? anyways as If Was falling asleep I felt hands grab my ankles again, but this time they didn't let go, and I couldn't move, I couldn't even scream, it felt as if I was putty in his hands, after that big scare, I could see a silhouette at the edge of my bed where my feet where, it looked like a large man's shadow, after that I heard a small, but deep giggle, like a playfulish giggle, now here I am scared shitless at the computer, I would like to know on how to get rid of it, but also why is it here and what can I do about it. Thank you so much for your support, and sorry this was long ^^;

RE: And no I'm not Christian, so before anyone starts with the "believe in Jesus bs" I'm simply just going to block your comment, I'm comfortable in my own religion, but thanks for the offer :)How to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?
I take elements from mutliple beliefs to rid myself of spirits. I would light a blessed white candle and ask a higher power to protect you (I think Wiccans and Christians do this). I would also burn dried sage and say "I bless this house in light and love" (which is a Native American ritual, I think).

I also would try to talk to the spirit. Alot of time they just want attention. Sometimes they don't know they are dead. Sometimes they are protective, and sometimes they are evil. Depends on if it's a 'demon' or just a desceased person. Sprits are like people, some are good, some are bad. But often they just want recognition.

If it's evil it will feed on fear, so I would definately put my trust into a higher power (God, a collective unconciousness, the universe, etc.). If it were me, I'd say outloud, "I surrender my will and self to a higher power in the belief that he/she will protect me. I ask this higher power to guide this spirit/demon to the place where it needs to be and to bring peace into this house and my life).

You HAVE to BELIEVE in the love, light, trust, etc. You can't just say the words.

If in time, this doesn't work, or it comes back. Then I'd probably get a medium to come into the house or even a priest or different religious people to bless it. If it still doesn't work, then the spirit may be tied to the property, in which case you might need to move.How to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?
I have experienced things of similar nature before..when I was resting, my pillow was pulled out from under my head, and my blanket was pulled in one direction away from me. I am only 14, but I have the ability to hear, feel and sense spirits, good and bad. I believe, you, and I think that the suggested method with the candle will help. Even if you are atheist, like I partially am (leaning towards it), the sign of the cross, and other religious symbols DO help, even if you do not believe. They helped me.

Good luckHow to get rid of a dark entity/demon/ghost?
Perhaps a few different things going on here....sounds like you floated out of body....astral projected....I have done this before as well....many people the first few times believe they were dreaming. You may have a spirit there as well, but it don't always mean it's bad.....perhaps it try to help you back in your body, or just wanted your attention.

What computer case to buy?

Hey there -

I'm working on my first build - listing out the specs below. I'm on a budget, and looking for the most practical, cheap option. Ideally I'd like to spend under $50 for the case, and would consider looking at used options since I'm using a new, independent power supply.

Can these components all fit comfortably enough in a mid-tower?

Do I have to have a full tower?

Could anyone explain why -- what the size limiting factors would be here?

Any other feedback on these components is welcome.

THANKS in advance!


CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 975 Black Edition Deneb 3.6GHz Socket AM3 125W Quad-Core Desktop Processor

Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-970A-UD3 AM3+ AMD 970 SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD

GPU: SAPPHIRE 100314-3L Radeon HD 6870 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card

HD: Western Digital Caviar Blue WD1600AAJS 160GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive

RAM: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800)

Power Supply: Diablotek UL Series PSUL675 675W ATX 12V v2.31 SLI Ready CrossFire Ready Power Supply

Sony CD/DVD driveWhat computer case to buy?
What you want to look for with a case and making sure the pieces fit is usually the "ATX" tag, found commonly in power supply and motherboard names.

Next, you want to make sure the motherboard you get will have all the necessary slots you need for your hardware.

Also, you want to make sure your powersupply is strong enough to hold enough wats for everything you want to build into your PC.

Anyways, check out this listing for anything that snags your eye.鈥?/a>

Just make sure it has the ATX tag.

Good luck and have fun with your new rig. :)
You will need a case that will accommodate an ATX sized motherboard.

Personally, I do like the Cooler Master cases:鈥?/a>What computer case to buy?
Go to and search m59, thats the best case for 50 bucks. It is a gaming case and also features a side window, also, thats a extreme cheapout on your hard drive. I sugggest you get the Gigabyte HD 6870, thats what Im using. It has lots of fan and is pre-overclocked for higher performance. And if you aren't satisfied with the m59 I suggested you, just look for any case with at lest 4 or 5 3.5/2.5 bays, and at least 2 5.25in bays.
A good one...What computer case to buy?
Everything is ok.But try to Asus Motherboard.
since it seems that your on a budget, here;s a good affordable casing that could accomodate all of your parts:

Thermaltake V3 Black Edition VL80001W2Z Black SECC / Plastic ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - $45 ($35 after rebate)鈥?/a>

I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?

AMD Phenom x4 BE, on an MSI K9A2 Platnum Mother Board, and as soon as I plug it into the wall, and switch the breaker on the Power Supply, the comptuer starts up, fans spin up, and lights light up, but nothing happens on the monitor. From what I can hear, I don't think the hard drive is spinning up (though I could be wrong). I could really use help!!! I spent alot of money on this comptuer, and hope that I didn't screw it up!I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?
Yes, often, if you did not shove that video card all the way into the PCIe slot, you can miss full contact. I downloaded your mobo manual to take a look, but everything has top-down diagrams, so I cannot tell if you have a lock in clip onthat PCIe slot. There are various ways to lock the card into place, one is like a push thumb type and the other is a clip that comes underneath the card and locks it in from under one end. This ensures that heat expansion and contraction do not loosen the card.

What I would do it pull the video card out and then FIRMLY reseat the card and make sure any retaining clip is completely locked into the card. Then, hold one side down in the slot with the thumb of one hand while you reseat the screw to the chasis firmly. Make sure you tighten both sides of the monitor cable to the card equally, as sometimes, if you turn one screw more than the other, you do not get a firm contact.

I am betting anything it is a loose video card.I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?
Is the monitor plugged in correctly?I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?
Recheck connections.

What is a cool name for a gaming computer?

It may sound silly but I am trying to name my first computer. I want it to be something cool. Some things you may want to know: I like using greek letters to substitute numbers i.e. this is my first computer so maybe "alpha" something, It is a gaming computer, it is a heavily modified Lenovo IdeaCenter (modded for gaming i.e. new cpu, gpu) I thought it may be kinda cool to incorporate some of the origional name into the new name i.e. keeping the Center part if IdeaCenter and replacing the "Idea" part with something cooler. Thanks for the help and suggestions!!!What is a cool name for a gaming computer?
DOVAKIIN!!What is a cool name for a gaming computer?
There is nothing cool about naming your gaming computer.

What jobs can be found in the country side?

I just want a list of jobs that involve working in the countryside to write about, I don't want jobs that involve sitting in front of a computer all day long.What jobs can be found in the country side?
hey see for'll see the links specificly about this on the left and the right side so you dont have to go and search everywhere. thanks for using
Ecologist - they perform habitat surveys, assess river quality, perform wildlife counts of animals

Farmer/Farm hand/stable hand/groom etc.What jobs can be found in the country side?

Countryside management

Riding instructor

Garden management

Horse breeder

Herder- like a sheperd

Went into this question, thinking it would be easy to answer. I've been sitting for like 5 minutes trying to think of some things, sorry I can't give you anymore

Lots of jobs working with animals are in the countryside though.

Checkout second linkWhat jobs can be found in the country side?
pooper scooper

ranch/farm worker


real estate agent

country doctor

door-to-door tractor salesman

pilot (aerial spraying)
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  • Computer Virus - Typing randomly and refreshing, HELP!?

    I don't consider myself a computer noob, but I'm really lost for what to do.

    Last night my computer starting acting odd. Firstly, my pages started to refresh by themselves. I thought it was Facebook being irritating, but it started on all my pages. Then as I was typing, other random letters, symbols and numbers would pop up. Sometimes I didn't even have to type and random characters would appear in a comment box when I clicked it.

    I visited a site I don't usually go on that offered help with some work I have for college, and straight after is when it started. It definitely seems like a virus and not my keyboard acting up. I've did several scans last night, medium and deep, and neither picked anything up. I did one today and it found one thing, and I though that was it and I'd solved it. But then tonight it started again.

    I have Zonealarm and Malwarebytes so I'm assuming it must be a very well hidden virus to have gotten through.

    I don't know how to get rid of it, and it's making my computing unusable. :/

    Please help me! :(Computer Virus - Typing randomly and refreshing, HELP!?
    You have yourself Computer Aids,Holding F8 on startup will work when pressed on startup but delete everything on your computer.Computer Virus - Typing randomly and refreshing, HELP!?
    Please specify the URL of the site that supposedly infected the PC in the additional details so i can check this site on WOT.

    What type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?

    A bully boss has hired a hacker to spy on me

    The police came and took my report and computers including various log files that I had acquired

    They were happy

    What is going to happen next?What type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?
    I have to wonder what you were doing illegally if it was necessary to send out a spy to keep an eye on you.

    Did you want to apologize for anything while you have out attention?

    - StuartWhat type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?
    A boss or company has every right to know what you are doing on their computers. You have no right if privacy on them. Most companies spy on their employees, its just that most people just don't know.What type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?
    Anything you do on company owned equipment may be subject to monitoring. You shouldn't expect privacy on their systems/networks. If they had enough information to bring in the police, you may want to seriously think about hiring an attorney. Seems like you'll need it soon.

    ** Edit **
    Your boss isn't a "bully", they are just protecting the company. The actions of an employee can put the entire company at risks so monitoring the devices is fairly common. As an example, my employer tracks the software installed on the computers using an inventory application. While limiting user permissions is a good step, there are some people that have a legitimate need for administrative rights and the software tracks to make sure we're in compliance with licenses. The last thing the company wants is the Business Software Alliance coming in to audit the systems so the IT staff do it proactively to keep us legal.
    This is scary. Yes, did you do anything that terrible to deserve this? You can send an anonymous email via to him. I heard that site works.

    How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?

    I have a full time job but want to work on this during my free time.

    what computer languages do I need to become fluent in, if any?

    im 19, is this too old to become an SEO specialist?How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?
    ya 19 is way to old next year you will be able to retire鈥?/a>How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?
    You will need to learn the skills of a webmaster. C++, Java, HTML, and the like. There are many webhosting programs that you can use to increase your SEO. It's basically adding top key words that people search. Check out for free Java lessons.

    I am starting a new business myself, and I have a blog. If you'd like to keep in touch, look me up.
    you need the basic knowledge of HTML to understand and implement On Page SEO and either you can do some short course for SEO or study some books on SEO. ITs not hard to learn and you are very young and can learn quick and work as a part time. SEO consultant get pain good money here and salary start from 拢25 to 拢55 as its depends on your experience. Good luck and don't waist time and start your Internet Marketing journey.How do you become a Search Engine Optimizer (SEO)?
    Kash explain everything and just follow his instructions
    No your not old actually your age is just fine. If you already have an experience in SEO you should try to visit Team Launcher at here you can experience real SEO.
    no you are not too old to become a seo.. and you can even become one without studying computer languages

    you have to know what is to be done how search engine work that all and a little hard work

    read seo blog post, try to start your own website or blog for practice.. you can learn from you experiences
    You're not too old. You can become an SEO Specialist as long as you're dedicated to learn Search engine optimization. Read the tutorials provided by -鈥?/a> . Then try to apply what you have learned on your own blog.

    To better understand SEO, you have to practice utilize the SEO strategies you learn.

    In SEO, it's recommended that you are knowledgeable in HTML and CSS. An additional background in PHP is also good so you have idea in doing web content editing.
    you need to know HTML tags, and social networking and bookmarking sites.

    This is enough...
    Your age is just right to become a Search Engine Optimizer(SEO). If you want to become an SEO then you will need to be fluent in Basic HTML %26amp; Cascading Style Sheet(CSS) Coding and have some idea about Dynamic HTML Coding. Knowledge about XHTML would be an added advantage for you. Further, you should also go through SEO Online Tutorials which can be found through Internet Search Engines like Yahoo and so on. These tutorials can give you knowledge about the On-Page %26amp; Off-Page Optimization Techniques which are used in SEO. You should also have a good command over the English Language along with fluent communication skills if you want to excel in the Social Media Optimization(SMO) Task of SEO. All the Best for your career.
    To become an SEO expert you need to learn all of the basics search at Google and you'll get so many tutorials for the same.
    There are many way you can learn about SEO, first you can learn it by joining any good seo institute, second you can learn it by someone who knew it already or working in SEO firms.
    Well, learn SEO of course you don't need to be fluent in any computer language except HTML, PHP and CSS, though others are highly recommended. This can only be done by applying what you learn. I suggest you develop your own site and learn from experience. Once you get a idea about the hole process, offer your services to clients, webmasters that have a budget and need someone to do SEO work for them.
    The only problem is find such clients. I suggest gig based websites at first and internet marketing forums later.
    If you鈥檙e 19, you鈥檙e not too old to start learning any type of work you want to pursue as a career. The best way to learn SEO is through on-hands experience. Create a few different websites and test different techniques on them. It will take a while to see results, but your patience will pay off in the end. While it wouldn鈥檛 hurt you to learn several computer languages, the main necessity is knowledge of basic HTML. One great resource for learning about all the different aspects of SEO is Also, the website is a good resource for learning about the latest news in the industry. If you run into an SEO problem and get stumped, is a good forum for finding answers to questions, though they deal with a wide range of topics and not just SEO.

    Good luck!
    Basic HTML,link building, and on-page optimization are some of the things you need to get started. No, it's not early. The earlier you learn SEO, the better. :)
    To become a SEO specialist, age is not any factor. You just need to learn a lot about SEO. How search engines works, what are keywords, how to do link building etc etc. There is no programing are language needed to learn. Just simple wordpress sites are ok. But you need to learn proper SEO strategies that works. Check out the source below to learn SEO in-depth.

    This is a great time as you are still developing and have the time to learn about all of these different things. However you need something to start you off and I believe that you can find a lot of things here to start you off.
    I think as long as you are familar with link building services and search engines crawling ways. and learn more seo methods.You will be a good Search Engine Optimizer.But it is hard to a newbie.If you could insist on this subject.I think you will succed on it. I use this company to do my seo and backlinks. They are cheap and do a great job. Very nice people.
    PHP is best language to learn beacause most of websites are made by PHP.and you will be able to learn seo also. go to http://magicaltipsandtricksofseo.blogspo鈥?/a> to learn seo lessons
    You are not to old at all. I am an seo expert and have only 5 years experience at 34.

    You will need to learn about keyword research, on and off page seo and link building.

    SEO is an every changing beast so no matter when you start to learn you are never far from the cutting edge.

    I started my own company selling link building packages and am doing very well. All it takes is a lot of research and learning. Never buy information as it is always available online for free, just hunt around aand you will find it. SEOBook is a good place to start.

    Why is my computer really slow after updating it?

    On my windows 7 i decided to do a optional update because i was bored and i did it and it restarted like usual, but when i got back on my computer it became so slow i couldn't even click the start button without it freezing up and when i click on the browser nothing happens. The only reason I'm able to type this is because I'm on safe mode.what happened?Why is my computer really slow after updating it?
    For a slow running computer you need to

    鈥?Block the start-ups and services

    Use Microsoft configuration Utility

    鈥?Defragment the disks

    Start | All Programs | Accessories | System Tools | Disk Defragmentation

    鈥?Defragment your registry

    Use some good registry defragmenter

    鈥?Set up the system for best performance

    鈥?Run an antivirus

    鈥?Use Reginout
    I want to you know, the updating can make registry errors sometimes.

    and the registry problems will make computer slow.

    How to increase computer speed? Your best, safest and fastest method of seeing what is causing your computer to be slow is to check out this slow computer fixer Click Here!鈥?/a> Try the FREE scan and see the problems hiding in your slow computer.Why is my computer really slow after updating it?
    Your computer might be suffering from different problems to improve its performance you should:

    %26gt;%26gt; Scan your computer with an antivirus

    %26gt;%26gt; Apply De-fragmentation on your system

    %26gt;%26gt; Delete all temporary files

    %26gt;%26gt; Run disc clean up

    %26gt;%26gt; Run Reginout scan.
    It is simply a windows registry problem, sometimes in removing any program from the system would remove essential files from it, that why your system start freezing after sometime, use Reginout registry manager to get rid of these problems.Why is my computer really slow after updating it?
    Try to check your registry with some system fixing program, free trial will be enough to see where is the problem, I use system care 5 to fix my pc鈥?/a>
    There are some updates that are not compatible with certain hardware. The computer manufacturer can clarify this. And I have experience while working at one very large manufacturer. You can't say names am bound by agreement.

    Try performing system restore to revert the setting to before it happened. Here is a step by step guide:

    "System restore: A step by step guide"鈥?/a>
    Every Microsoft Windows operating system has a registry. Your system registry holds a wealth of information about your computer, which is why we constantly hear from users that after using their PC for a short length of time, it no longer works the way it used to. This is due in part to invalid entries that exist in your system registry, that might exist because of software you are no longer using or software that was not properly removed. By removing these invalid entries, you can significantly increase the performance of your PC. Registry Easy will scan and repair your registry. Believe me though if you want a quick step up in computer performance this is a must. The registry must be cleaned to make a computer run faster.

    You can go to : can help you!
    You need to clear your Windows Registry, i think. The Windows registry keeps growing as long as you use your computer. Whenever you install or uninstall software, add or remove hardware, or change your computers settings, a new entry is inserted into the Windows registry. Over time, your registry will be accumulated with a large number of obsolete, redundant and invalid entries and registry holes, which make your system increasingly unstable, run more slowly and crash more frequently.

    Learn more from this post

    Is there a way for someone to chat that can鈥檛 be seen when logged into their account from another computer?

    I have the password for a person's facebook account (I'm not going to explain why). If I am logged into a computer on a completely different network at the same time they are logged in I can normally see their chats as they occur (no I'm not interested in the details of these chats). I can of course also see and view saved messages. What I want to know is, can they possibly chat to another person, who by chance is on a Samsung mobile, and I cannot see these chats. I can't see how that could be, yet I've got myself convinced that this is what's happening. Any useful and relevant advice would be greatly appreciated. I cannot put a keylogger on their computer.Is there a way for someone to chat that can鈥檛 be seen when logged into their account from another computer?
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  • Computer is not fully responding. ?

    I may of deleted something that I wasn't suppose to. So I reformated my computer. Now I can not drag and drop files and sometimes click things on open windows (i.e. windows, dropdown boxes, toolbar). Also when I play online games i can not click anything. But if I open another window and make it the active window, I can click on the stuff on the window behind it. I have downloaded every up to date drivers I could. I tried a repair install. What else could it be?Computer is not fully responding. ?
    Is this windows XP home edition?

    If you did not hold down F6 when the xp installer started to load drivers, you probably did not set the HAL layer properly. Holding down F6 brings up a little box in the installer...

    Single Core Processors - Monocore processor with ACPI enabled

    Multicore Processors - Multicore processors with ACPI enabled

    This is what is called "forcing the "HAL" layer, or hardware abstraction layer.

    ACPI has to be ENABLED IN BIOS.

    See this article:

    The HAL cannot be fixed when it is corrupt. It can only be re-written by reinstalling the OS.

    What Software can you use to Call Peoples' Cell Phones from your Computer?

    Is there any software that allows me to use my microphone to talk to others on their cell phones? Like you dial a number, it rings, and I can talk to them via my microphone plugged into my computer? Preferably a free one.

    How do I fix my Dell computer?? PLEASE HELP! 10 points?

    I have a Dell Studio Windows 7 computer. For about half a year now, my computer has been running very slowly. Also, every time I start up my computer, it would freeze before it fully starts and gets on the homescreen. I would always have to push down the power button until my computer forces shut down and then I would RESTART my computer again. When my computer turns on again, a screen pops up with an option for system reboot (detects and fixes problems) as well as an option for starting computer normally. Whenever I click on system reboot, my computer goes through the whole process to fix the problem and the computer starts up. However, when I turn on the computer next time, the problem isn't fixed. It freezes again. The same goes for when I press Start Normally. Also, a computer update keeps saying that my McAfee Security Center is expired and my computer is at risk. What should I do?? My computer has a severe problem, it will not start, and runs very slow. PLEASE help me if you know how to fix it. thank you!!How do I fix my Dell computer?? PLEASE HELP! 10 points?
    im sorry to hear that but you are going to have to bring it to an IT. You wont be able to fix it yourself.How do I fix my Dell computer?? PLEASE HELP! 10 points?
    Find the nearest Dell service center. They will fix it and wont charge you much.How do I fix my Dell computer?? PLEASE HELP! 10 points?
    Hi Sara,

    Firstly, let me tell you my opinion about McAfee, I personally dislike it cause i think it takes a lot of cpu's performance, and this slows the system, when you are doing tasks that would require a lot of computing power. Like editing high quality videos or playing high end games.

    But this is a software, that powers up during your windows startup, so if your computer freezes before the windows login, then the problem is with the system, or the bios, and not with the McAfee, so you can leave the anti virus out of the equation.

    Secondly, regardless of the system configuration, unusual slowdown of system would be due to over heating of system.

    This could be caused do to poor heat sinks, or old dan that is inefficient. Or the Thermal paste between the heat sink and processor might have gone bad. Or the dust accumulated between the heat sink must have made it inefficient.

    So, i would advice you to firstly clean the mother board and the case off dusts,

    then if the problem still presists, then check the fans, if the prob is nt fixed

    then get a technician to change the thermal compound. You can do it yourself, but if you are not sure, it is best let to the professionals, as the processor chip is very fragile

    Lastly, you may suspect a bad ram, but i dont think it is, cause as far as i know, a bad ram causes Blue Screen first, before the sysyem shuts down or so. And a bad ram, doesnt cause a system slowdown, but crashes the system.

    Hope i was of any help,



    My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?


    I have an annoying problem with my computer. One day, my computer suddenly restarted on its own. When i turned it back on many things changed. Vista was no longer in use. It was as if my computer was using windows 2000. Also, all of my files, applications were deleted.

    I tried using system restore to get back my files and applications. This worked to a certain extent. When i restart/shutoff my computer, after getting my files back through system restore, and turn it back on, the files and applications are deleted again.

    I do not want to do system restore everytime i turn off my computer.

    What is wrong? help please!!!My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?
    You're using Windows. There's your problem.My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?
    The reason why your files got deleted is because you had files open when the computer shut down , therefore, you need to go to a computer specialist to fix your computer , it isn't right for a computer to just shut down on you ,..

    Another reason is because you had a newer version of windows and when it deleted it you got the older version so every file that couldn't go onto windows 2000 got deleted .My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?
    you either have a virus, or something is wrong with something inside your computer.

    files aren't being permanently written to the hard-drive.

    and vista is in use, your computer has just reverted to windows classic theme.

    this may be a sign that your something is wrong with your ram, because it cant handle the aero theme anymore.

    go to system profiler (or whatever its called in windows) and make sure all your specs match up to what your computer actually has.

    and Kanye, I totally agree, lol.

    you use a mac?

    How to remove a computer virus...?

    I have a Windows 7 Acer and it has so many trojan virus'! Everything that I try to open it will not let me and pop's up and says that certain program, document, etc. is infected. I cannot even open up Internet Explorer! Any suggestions on what I can do to remove the virus?!How to remove a computer virus...?
    I'm sorry, but get it wiped. At BestBuy. You'll feel so much better afterwards.

    Remember to install te antivirus AFTER it is cleaned.How to remove a computer virus...?
    The program that is saying your infected IS the virus, what is the name of the program?How to remove a computer virus...?
    Try Microsoft Security Essentials,it is light,faster %26amp; Microsoft proven.

    Microsoft Security Essentials is the only hassle-free security solution that detects and removes malicious programs completely.

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  • Best Computer for design work?

    I need help figuring out what type of computer to buy, Storage wise, memory, processor? What's good to run adobe programs? I cant spend $1,000 on a mac just yet. What would get me by without being incredibly slow?Best Computer for design work?
    mac is the only choose or you can pay a lot of money to buy the program for another computer you gonna buyBest Computer for design work?
    Take a look at Windows Laptops for $700 and above -鈥?/a>

    Adobe applications would run smoothly on Intel i5 or i7 processor and lots of RAM. If your budget is around $939 and STILL looking for Mac, then get Apple MacBook Air MC968LL/A.Best Computer for design work?
    You didn't mention what type of design work you'll be doing, but if you're referring to graphic design using Adobe Creative Suite 5 or 5.5, you don't need anything super high-end. A quad-core processor, such as an Intel Core i5-2300 or -2310 would be more than sufficient. You could even get by, as you say, for a while on a dual-core Core i3-2100 or -2120. I'd get a machine with 8GB of DDR3 RAM, a midrange video card (such as an Nvidia GTX 550 Ti or GTX 560, or an AMD Radeon HD 6750 or 6770), and a good 24-27" monitor at 1920x1080 or 1920x1200. You'll want a 64-bit version of Windows 7.

    I'd be happy to put together a parts list if you have a specific budget in mind (less than $1,000, I assume...). Let me know. :-)

    Hope that helps!

    Good Computer power supply?

    I am looking for a new power supply for my computer, because the one that i have does not provide the right amount of power for the updates that i am looking to make. I would like to purchase one in the 500w to 600w range. The only problem is that all the reviews that i read seem to have a lot of people experiencing problems with them. These problems include everything from it frying their motherboard to starting an electrical fire right out of the box. What is a good power supply that you have had a lot of luck with. I would really like to not have to replace my new computers motherboard.Good Computer power supply?
    If you want REAL reliability, use ANTEC power supplies. I have used them for years, NEVER ONCE have I had a single computer burn up after building hundreds of computers with them. I am really happy to see you are so conscientious, I warn people here continuously about cheap unreliable power supplies.

    Corsair and Rosewell are also name brands that have gained significant user and new computer builder confidence, but my experience is almost entirelyl with ANTEC - I can tell you this much, ANTEC is built in the US and is not a piece of cheap Taiwan or Chinese garbage. Even if a new computer case comes with a "stock" power supply, I always replace it with ANTEC and I have yet to regret it.

    Stay away from Thermaltake, I tried one and it fried a mobo up on one computer, so Thermaltake is outta here.

    ANTEC has some really great supplies in the 500 - 600 Watt range at a very reasonable price, usually in the $70 - $100 range. You can shop around the net, like Newegg, Tigerdirect and Amazon and see if you can come up with a model that suits you, or just go to

    And take a look at the specs first - choose one and then go price it out.Good Computer power supply?
    I have not purchased a power supply for my computer, but my roommate who is majoring in computer science would recommend Sparkle. If you look at Newegg's power supply page, it lists many power supplies with high ratings.Good Computer power supply?
    The best kind that i find are Corsair power supplies. When i bought mine and put it in my acer computer and turned it on i though i had broke it because it was so amazingly quiet. It has never overheated and is probably the least likely part of my computer to catch fire. Other good brands are Antec OCZ and Rocketfish
    antec and enermax are pretty reliable brands. i'd recommend reading reviews on newegg. neither are cheap because you have to pay for quality.

    What can i do to feel better and what is the deal with my friends ?

    i feel really lonely right now and i don't know what i can do. i have a lot of friends but i feel like most of them are ignoring me or that i annoy them. we have a little Facebook group (11 best friends) and about 2 hours ago i asked if someone wanted to go out tonight or do something, they've all been online but no one has answered. am i too pushy ? and also last week me and 4 of my friends, including my best friend bought some candy and watched a movie, i bought the candy before we met so we didn't all have to go downtown, i live closest to the store so i just bought it for 50 bucks and i tough we were gonna split the cost but they never payed me back eccept my best friend, i sent them a message on facebook 4 days ago and i said: hey guys i feel really weird asking this but do you think we can split the the cost of the candy we had last week, i paid 50 dollars of my own money and i just think it's a little unfair that i am the only one playing :) they've all been on facebook since but no one has answered me. it's 4 PM right now and im all alone on a sunday. we usually all hang out on sundays. my dad works in Germany and he only comes home for a week every 4 weeks and we're really close, i miss him. my mom went to a birthday at her friends last night so shes laying in bed right now and my sister is working. my best friend is on a camping trip and i live in a small town where here's Absolutely NOTHING to do that i can think of, no movies in the cinema and a gross weather. i don't want to be alone all day in my computer, does anyone know what i can do ?

    thanks for taking the time to read this :)

    What should I do with this computer?

    Hey, I'm going to use this as my gaming computer.

    What I want to know is, should I pay for an upgrade from a 4GB RAM to an 8GB RAM, or should I upgrade to a NVIDIA GeForce 9600 GT 512MB 16X PCI Express from the memory card it already has? Also, what is the difference between a 1GB video card and a 512MB video card? And my last question, should I install windows Vista or XP as my operating system? thx =DWhat should I do with this computer?
    YOu need to run a 64 bit operating system to access more than 4 gigs of memory. So Vista 64 bit Home Premium is what I recommend. Its an iffish thing whether or not a particular game will work on a 64 bit platform, I have to be honest with you - it may or may not install and it may or may not work right. Better to find out from the game manufacturer first rather than be suprised later. Make darn sure you have SIGNED DRIVERS for ALL of your hardware because installing Vista 64 bit will cause you a NIGHTMARE if you do not have signed drivers, preferably WHQL certified drivers - I know, I am running Vista Home Premium 64 bit. Its a good thing you are thinking of that nVidia card, but I would go with the 9800 GTX+ overclocker made by BFG Tech. THen download the latest WHQL driver from nVidia for the 9XXX series of cards.

    The difference is actually 2 x 512 = 1024 megabytes, so a 1 gig actually has 1024 megabytes or twice the amount of memory of a 512 Meg card. The more dedicated RAM the better! As far as I am concerned, you can never have enough memory.

    Forget XP - it's going to go down the tubes, especially now that Windows 7 is out and around. XP was great but its going to be deep sixed real soon by Microsoft and a waste of effort as far as I am concerned. You might as well knuckle under!

    Make sure you check out the Windows Vista Compatibility List which gives you thousands of certified devices that will work under Vista.

    Visit this page on the Microsoft site. Check out all your hardware and make sure it will work FIRST before attempting to install any hardware or buy anything - cause if you do and its not most likely will be kicked back in your face by Vista 64 bit.What should I do with this computer?
    8gb of ram is a waste of money...4 is ALL you need ever...the video card is fine..the geforce isnt hardly even an upgrade...1gb vidcard just runs better and use vista...

    How to remove a cpu from your mainboard if there is no switch?


    My mainboard and cpu seems 'indivisible' in a sense that there is no

    switch or a lever that is seen on pretty much all mainboards these

    days. My cpu and Mainboard seems to be attached directly to each

    other without any switch, medium, or a lever in between them, which

    is very uncommon.

    I bought my computer like 4 years ago and the cpu is a

    Pro 3000+ which is equivalent to an AMD Athlon 1700+ and I don't

    know what the mainboard model # is. Anyways, is it even possible

    to disattach the cpu from the mainboard in a situation like this?

    Any computer experts out there?

    Have a nice day.How to remove a cpu from your mainboard if there is no switch?
    It sounds like the CPU is hardwired to the socket, in other words, they soldered it in. I cannot see the board or the CPU, so not sure. The only thing you could try and do is get a CPU puller. This is a specialized tool that is made for chips (also called, a chip puller). I think the CPU may have to be desoldered, the back of the board, but since I cannot see it, not sure. It may be that the chip puller will do the job without any desoldering.

    See this:鈥?/a>

    See this for a picture of a chip puller:

    Here are some other chip pullers for sale -鈥?/a>
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  • How do you zoom a computer screen out?

    everything on my screen is massive and I have to scroll around webpages. How can I zoom out what is on the screen?How do you zoom a computer screen out?
    The best solution is to adjust the screen resolution setting to the highest for your monitor which allows you to view the most out of your monitor. If that is done, with the browser open and selected, hold the "Ctrl" key and press the "-" key to zoom out.
    Update your graphics card driver, then adjust the screen resolution on the desktop if the driver update didn't already fix it. Right click on the desktop and select Screen Resolution (win7) and change to the recommended (native) for your display.

    You can also change the size of the desktop icons by right clicking as above, but select view, and icon size. If everything seems zoomed in, you probably need a graphics card update, or you might just need to reboot.How do you zoom a computer screen out?
    Get a chair with wheels.

    Seriously, hold the Ctrl button down and scroll.
    change the display setting in the display properties menu.How do you zoom a computer screen out?
    CTRL and the - button

    keep ctrl down and press the minus button until its the size you want.
    hold ctrl and - at the same time and to make it ****** ctrl and +
    Three ways, CRTL + . CRTL - CRTIL + 0

    My computer makes a beeping sound and doesnt start up?

    When i turn my computer on it makes a long beeping noise (just one long beep, then a pause followed by the same beep) and the screen does not turn on. I tried looking up the BIOS beep information on the website but it doesn't help. Anyone know what it might be or what i could try to solve the problem?

    Thanks.My computer makes a beeping sound and doesnt start up?
    It is either a video problem or a motherboard problem. Start with video by reseating the video card. If it is a mobo problem, it is most likely either memory or the PSU has gone out.

    Reseat the memory and don't forget to ground yourself when you reseat things. Make sure the memory is reseated in the SAME slots.

    If these two things do not do it, replace the power supply.My computer makes a beeping sound and doesnt start up?
    yes, your zirochip in the hard drive is acting up, just pour a little water on it

    Best gaming video card for your money?

    I was wondering what you thought would be the best video card for your money when building a gaming computer. What gives the best performance for the price, and please compare to other cards and their pricing. Thank youBest gaming video card for your money?
    There are many reviews on line about that. But a lot depends upon the games you play on the computer. Different ones need different types of video processors. Some benefit from higher VRAM, some from double cards in crossfire or SLI. Some need different levels of DirectX. Go to websites for games and their forums for advice.

    Some games don't benefit from better video cards. Microsoft Flight Simulator is a CPU intensive program that will work with almost any good video card and DirectX 9 or above. That is all that I have experience with.

    How do I recover what I lost on my computer?

    I recently got a pop-up from Microsoft and it wiped out my whole system! I was able to recover some things but not all! All my pictures, documents, music, and favorites are all gone! And one thing that's really driving me crazy is that I had Microsoft Word installed before this but now, It's not even on my desktop nor is it listed in my Programs folder.

    What should I do? How can I fix this?How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
    You will need to recover the data using something like asoftech data recovery.鈥?/a>

    I've had to use it many times in the past but in this case you need to plug that drive into another system as an external drive or slave drive and run the software from there. It will rebuild the drive and hopefully recover the files.

    Good luck.How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
    Check your recycle bin, or contact Microsoft. They should be at fault, or if you said that you wanted to wipe out your whole system, you're at fault.How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
    go through your history and re open the tabs/windows.
    i think u find backup soft or HDD install other PC

    Computer beep code on a windows 95 computer?

    I have an old HP computer with a Windows 95 OS in it. I recently started to use it after 5-8 years of neglecting it in my closet. It worked great for about 2 weeks but then it started to have boot up problems. Most of the time it would have this fast pace beeping sound upon turning it on with nothing in the monitor. After a few hard shutdowns it can start up normally but then it randomly restarts.

    I used this computer for typing out documents n stuff. I have a bit of files that I need on it but I cant get to it because of random resets. I don't want to spend money on a new computer unless I know this has broken completely or need spare parts (which I am not going to buy).

    Does anyone know what this computer beep code means? Its a fast pace nonstop beeping sound. I think its a HD failure because its old and haven't been used in a while.Computer beep code on a windows 95 computer?
    card not seated or needs re-seating, re-seat the ram, basically go through and check all connections and re-seat all cards etc, you might also change the cmos battery which is typically a cr-2032 but the number will be on the one in there.

    (edit)and an odd one years ago, the external power button sagged and was lightly pressing the actual switch post behind the faceplate. always worth checking as well as the plugs from the faceplate to the mobo, reset button, hd light etc.
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  • Is iobot Advanced SystemCare Free. A good program to use on my computer. If not dose anyone know of any better?

    I had 360amigo System Speedup. On my computer and it did work. My computer was faster and it did clean out alot of junk from it. That was no use to me. It cleaned more stuff off my computer than programs like CCleaner and comodo system cleaner dose.

    But iobot seems to have a bad name at the moment so i was wondering if anyone uses it or has used it. And what they thought of it. Or if they know of any better programs to use??Is iobot Advanced SystemCare Free. A good program to use on my computer. If not dose anyone know of any better?
    That program ROCKS. It's really good. Especially if you get Premium version. There's ways of getting it. Some legal some not. It cleans your computer. Makes it REALLY fast. Try Game Booster, it also speeds it up. With that combination, install CCleaner, it also does some useful stuff. Clean your computer every week or so.Is iobot Advanced SystemCare Free. A good program to use on my computer. If not dose anyone know of any better?
    Avg pc tuneup is free for 24 hours or something. It worked fairly well with my pc.

    Can a power surge damage your computer , everything was shut down , lights and all ?

    Its been showing me the blue screen of death after the janitor was messing with the circuit breaking in the building they didn't give no notice of a test and its been like this on 2 computers , doing the same thing what can i do about it ?Can a power surge damage your computer , everything was shut down , lights and all ?
    Yeah, it sounds like your janitor BOINKED two computers all right. It is possible to surge the hardware even with everything OFF. Current is still trickling into the power supply all the time while it is OFF. If you did not have surge protection on the computers, I can just guarantee you that your computers were fried.

    You should come back here and post the error codes, ALL OF IT, and see if we can determine what is wrong. I will give you this hint: usually when this happens, the first thing to get fried is the memory. I bet the error codes you get lead to bad memory. Have the memory replaced.

    The other thing to get boinked, is the CPU and the video card.

    Try replacing the RAM if you are not able to troubleshoot from any other angle.

    PS - Tell your employer to buy you a power surge strip for $25. It sure beats paying a tech $300/hr at commercial rates and $30/gig of RAM. These days, employers should be looking to save money, not throw it away.
    it is possible that the power surge has damaged your computer

    when u get the blue screen...note the error code that is provided and do a search on the internet...find out what the error means and what the actual problem is...

    any smart *** can do a format on a computer or a checkdisk

    also i recommend a UPS it helps to protect your computer from a power surge and power faliures.Can a power surge damage your computer , everything was shut down , lights and all ?
    yes, it can damage your power supply/motherboard, mainly anything that has power to it can be damaged. I would recommend doing a chkdsk /r using the windows cd. unless its a mac. then I would just reload the os. it probably just corrupted a few files in windows maybe the MBR sectors.
    Could be a problem with device drivers, hardware or software. This problem can be solved by uninstalling new software, updating device drivers and making minor configuration changes . From . You can also run a free registry scan using utilities from http://re7.infoCan a power surge damage your computer , everything was shut down , lights and all ?
    Yes it can sadly - either a power surge or just simple power loss can damage the computer components or the hard disk.

    You should make a compensation claim to the company that manages the building.

    What is wrong with my computer?

    I put a new graphics card in my pc and when i turned it on it switched on but the monitor displayed nothing. i reseted bios and tried it withouth the graphics card and it still didnt workWhat is wrong with my computer?
    Connect your VGA/DVI input back into the motherboard instead of the video card to see if it will work. You may have to change the bios primary video controller. For instance, on my board, if I want to change from my GPU to my onboard video, I have to change it to [IGFX]. If I want to use an expansion slot, I have to change it to [GFXO] for the x16 slot, and [GPP] for the x1 slot. You may have to change to the x16 setting to utilize your card if you haven't been using an expansion slot prior to now.

    If you have been using the expansion slot before, there is a good chance that you didn't connect something properly, or the card is not seated tightly.What is wrong with my computer?
    you have to give more information.

    1) Maybe your new graphic card doesn't fit your pc.

    2) Improper Reset of bios may corrupt your pc.

    3) Do your motherboard got onboard graphic card?

    4) Hardware fitting correct?

    5) New Graphic card driver installed?

    there got tons of problems ....

    but i can conclude that your graphic card doesn't suit for your pc/ you didnt fit it properlyWhat is wrong with my computer?
    So, I'm guessing you, like, remembered to plug the monitor into the graphics card, right...?

    My computer suddenly works very slow. What could be the reason and how can I resolve this issue?

    It was working fine till a few days ago. But now programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or Internet take 1-2 minutes to open. Adobe Photoshop takes too long. I have Kaspersky and when I scanned my computer, it detected "trojan" and I deleted it. I don't know much about computer, but I tried my best cleaning my computer by doing "disc defragment" and "disc cleanup".

    My computer is still super slow. Kaspersky shows that my computer is protected and not detecting any more virus, but what do I need to do?

    Can someone help me please?

    As I said, I don't know much about the computer, so if you can give me a step-by-step instruction, that would be really appreciated.

    Thank you very much.

    P.S. I have Windows 7 and I still have a lot of memory space left.My computer suddenly works very slow. What could be the reason and how can I resolve this issue?
    Your best bet is to take it to a computer technician who can clean your system.
    get windows 7 ULTIMATEMy computer suddenly works very slow. What could be the reason and how can I resolve this issue?
    Open up Task Manager to see what is using the most memory. You might have installed some stuff you were not aware of ("free" toolbars, etc).
    if you are using genuine windows 7 then better to install M.S.Security Essientials from windows.

    kaspersky slows the computer...

    uninstall unwanted programs...My computer suddenly works very slow. What could be the reason and how can I resolve this issue?
    I have had the same problem and I also have windows 7. Im almost positive that it is a virus in ur computor.

    What to do:....Be patient enough to go to ur search ingine and type in avg antivirus. Download that antivirus and it will install in ur computor. It will offer u 30 days trial on it to try it out and see how it does for u b4 buying it.

    Once u have downloaded it and its installed on ur computor run a scan (full scan). That might take up to an hour to run a full scan on ur computor but it will detect every virus on ur computor. After it does that u will have the option to delete the virus`s off ur computor and do that.

    The antivirus is a very good anti virus and once u have done wat I said it should take care of the problem. It will also give u the option to delete all the cookies, history and the space taken up that is wasted.

    After doing all of this, it might take a little over an hour but I can assure u the problem will be fixed !
    use "CCleaner" to clean junk files and registry it will help to increase the speed of your pc

    use less icons of desktop

    disable unwanted start up from msconfig

    make sure your antivirus is up to date.
    you need know what is causing your computer to be slow

    Cause #1: Your computer’s Windows registry stores information about the its configuration like a database. Installing and uninstalling software will make your registry a mess, keeping your computer running slow and causing computer crashes.

    The registry size keeps growing when you use Windows. When the registry becomes very large, your computer’s performance will be slow and unstable. Some computer users even spend a lot of time trying to edit the registry manually. This can be a risky and laborious task.

    Cause #2: After long-term use of a computer, the downloading of a large number of music, videos and movies from the Internet may result in your computer running slow. Its just like when your room becomes a mess without cleaning; our computer will be filled with a mass of junk files or duplicate files after a long operation too. These useless files use up some of the storage space of your hard drive as the “junk” accumulates.

    Cause #3: When you surf the internet, some malicious plug-ins may automatically be installed in the computer through security loopholes in the system. These malicious plug-ins may change your system registry entries causing many different kinds of errors or problems in your PC.

    Cause #4: The incorrect and incomplete un-installation or deletion of some files or applications may feed your system registry with invalid registry information. You might have unsuccessfully uninstalled certain applications or not used the “Add or Remove Programs” on “Control Panel”, or maybe certain objects or files have been moved inappropriately. These unknown or misplaced files can have a lot to do with “why is my computer running slow”. And it maybe that you see the start up process of your computer is much slower than before also.

    How to increase computer speed? Your best, safest and fastest method of seeing what is causing your computer to be slow is to check out this slow computer fixer Click Here!… Try the FREE scan and see the problems hiding in your slow computer.
    Your computer might be suffering from different problems to improve its performance you should:

    %26gt;%26gt; Scan your computer with an antivirus

    %26gt;%26gt; Apply De-fragmentation on your system

    %26gt;%26gt; Delete all temporary files

    %26gt;%26gt; Run disc clean up

    %26gt;%26gt; Run Reginout scan.
    For running slow there are many causes:

    Microsoft Registry Problems




    Clean windows registry can speed up the computer. the steps for you.

    1. Go to safe mode with internet

    2. download a registry cleaner

    3. scan and clean the registry errors.
    Every Microsoft Windows operating system has a registry. Your system registry holds a wealth of information about your computer, which is why we constantly hear from users that after using their PC for a short length of time, it no longer works the way it used to. This is due in part to invalid entries that exist in your system registry, that might exist because of software you are no longer using or software that was not properly removed. By removing these invalid entries, you can significantly increase the performance of your PC. Registry Easy will scan and repair your registry. Believe me though if you want a quick step up in computer performance this is a must. The registry must be cleaned to make a computer run faster.

    You can go to : can help you!
    %26gt;%26gt; De-fragment the disks

    %26gt;%26gt; De-fragment your registry

    %26gt;%26gt; Set up the system for best performance

    %26gt;%26gt; Disinfect the system

    %26gt;%26gt; Speed Up Computer through Reginout

    Will a computer start without a processor installed?

    I have been trying to get my computer to boot with just the power supply connected to the motherboard, cpu fan, and graphic card. All that I am getting is a half-second of the fans spinning on the cpu-fan, powersupply and graphic card and then it stops. The green LED light is on. I was told that even if the processor was dead, the fans would all spin.

    What would cause the fans to stop spinning?

    I can rule out this being a power supply problem as I have tried 3 different PS units on this and they all do the same thing.

    I am using an ASUS A7N8x-e Deluxe motherboard:;model=217%26amp;l1=3%26amp;l2=13%26amp;l3=56Will a computer start without a processor installed?
    Nope. It will not turn on without a processor. its like asking you to remove your brain and still function as a human being.
    think of it like this,

    the processor is the brain,

    the harddrives are your memory,

    the motherboard is all your guts,

    with out the brain (processor) the rest has no idea what to do, so yes it might run but it wont make any sense of what its doing, that is probaly why your fans turn off, because they're not getting the information they are supposed toWill a computer start without a processor installed?
    the most common thing it the voltage regulator on the board went out, i would even bet you would see some bulging capacitors on the board if you looked real good
    You need your processor in order for the computer to funuction right.Will a computer start without a processor installed?
    Computer will not boot without a processor. Mine wouldn't even turn on.
    Won"t boot without a processor
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  • What does it take to be a recording engineer?

    i'm kind of thinking about being a recording engineer, i think it's a job i'd really love to do. but what does it take, really? i'm good with computers, but i've never had any experience with mixing or recording and i can't see when i ever will. i really really love music, but not a really wide variety, would that be a problem? could i still make it as a recording engineer with a degree from college or university but not having any experience before then?What does it take to be a recording engineer?
    ok first of all, experience is vital, alot of studios dont even care about your degrees or other qualitfications they want to know that you have actualy got experience. a good way of getting experience is just getting out there and doing it, learn the basics then offer to do free sound for bands at gigs. thats another thing you have got to think about, what area of work you would want, live sound, tracking (recording), mixing, mastering, producing. they are all quite different areas and you should figure out which suits you best.

    after all this the job takes alot of love, as it is notorious for paying teribly. you have to realy love doing it, and have the will to constantly learn new things about it.

    i hope this may have provoked some more thoughts about it all, good luck :)What does it take to be a recording engineer?
    the first post is very good

    real experience,

    and a "good ear" (which they can't teach)

    are the most important talents

    the schools and degrees don't hurt, but they are a small piece of what you need

    Computer battery is acting up?

    ive had my computer, a hp pavilion dv4, for 2 years now. the battery is not acting right. when i take the power cord off (and it will be charged to 100%) the Computer only lasts for about 30 minuets (and shuts off at around 25-30%) do i need a new BATTERY, what has happened to it.Computer battery is acting up?
    Yes that is computers usual life spand battery wise. But mine on the other hand I got it 3 weeks latter I couldn't take it off the charger with out it Turing off so ya it's just old and u need a new oneComputer battery is acting up?
    Simply put:

    Get a new battery.

    What computer parts do i require (Gaming comp)?

    I want to make a gaming comp with the best parts i can get ranging from 1000-1200$. I currently only have this cpu in mind, AMD Athlon 64 2x 6000+, socket type AM2, and was wondering what u guys would suggest?What computer parts do i require (Gaming comp)?
    I would highly suggest you skip the 6000+. It is a fairly good processor, but if you are going to buy AMD, then look at the Phenom Quad Core II which was just released. You don't want to invest in a $1200 computer with a dual core processor now that Quad is really where its at.

    You should also consider the new Intel i7. The processor is more expensive and so are the motherboards, but the I7- 920 is about 35% faster than the fastest Phenom. A step down, but I think, equivalent to the best AMD processor is the Intel Q series of processors, using 45 nm technology, so the Q9XXX processors. The cost of a new i7 is roughly about $30 more than a Q9550 processor. Not bad, really.

    If you are really trying to shave cost because you want a fantastic power supply, maxed our RAM or top of the line video cards, SLI'd or Crossfired, then I guess AMD is your best bet. You would want to look at the Phenom Quad Core 940 3 Ghz Black Edition. The Black Edition overclocks better. It will set you back about $250 for the proc. This is in comparison to the Q9550 at about $300 or the i7 920 at $320.

    If I was building right now, it would be that new i7!What computer parts do i require (Gaming comp)?
    The 6000 is old tech theses days

    your looking for this sort of setup

    CPU - AMD Phenom 720 black edition

    MOBO - Asus M4A79

    RAM - 4GB Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600mhz

    GPU - ATI HD4870 1GB or Nvidia GTX260

    PSU - Coolermaster Real power pro 800w

    What is the best/coolest thing I can get for five pounds?

    I have five pounds but don't know what to get, here a few things I like to help you. Gadgets, computers, games, motorbikes and sci fi. Any suggestions appreciated.What is the best/coolest thing I can get for five pounds?
    Why do you need to spend it right now. save it until you have 拢10 or more.What is the best/coolest thing I can get for five pounds?
    Adult magazineWhat is the best/coolest thing I can get for five pounds?
    are you actually four years old?


    GATE Exam Computer Set A,B,C,D Answer Key Please ?

    I want to know GATE Exam Computer Set A,B,C,D . All codes. Also what is the cut off marks.GATE Exam Computer Set A,B,C,D Answer Key Please ?
    Hey Pihu For GATE 2012 Solution and Answer Key just go to these websites and get it now.
    Cut off is around 35 to 41 only.
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  • How do you zoom a computer screen out?

    everything on my screen is massive and I have to scroll around webpages. How can I zoom out what is on the screen?How do you zoom a computer screen out?
    The best solution is to adjust the screen resolution setting to the highest for your monitor which allows you to view the most out of your monitor. If that is done, with the browser open and selected, hold the "Ctrl" key and press the "-" key to zoom out.
    Update your graphics card driver, then adjust the screen resolution on the desktop if the driver update didn't already fix it. Right click on the desktop and select Screen Resolution (win7) and change to the recommended (native) for your display.

    You can also change the size of the desktop icons by right clicking as above, but select view, and icon size. If everything seems zoomed in, you probably need a graphics card update, or you might just need to reboot.How do you zoom a computer screen out?
    Get a chair with wheels.

    Seriously, hold the Ctrl button down and scroll.
    change the display setting in the display properties menu.How do you zoom a computer screen out?
    CTRL and the - button

    keep ctrl down and press the minus button until its the size you want.
    hold ctrl and - at the same time and to make it ****** ctrl and +
    Three ways, CRTL + . CRTL - CRTIL + 0

    My computer makes a beeping sound and doesnt start up?

    When i turn my computer on it makes a long beeping noise (just one long beep, then a pause followed by the same beep) and the screen does not turn on. I tried looking up the BIOS beep information on the website but it doesn't help. Anyone know what it might be or what i could try to solve the problem?

    Thanks.My computer makes a beeping sound and doesnt start up?
    It is either a video problem or a motherboard problem. Start with video by reseating the video card. If it is a mobo problem, it is most likely either memory or the PSU has gone out.

    Reseat the memory and don't forget to ground yourself when you reseat things. Make sure the memory is reseated in the SAME slots.

    If these two things do not do it, replace the power supply.My computer makes a beeping sound and doesnt start up?
    yes, your zirochip in the hard drive is acting up, just pour a little water on it

    Best gaming video card for your money?

    I was wondering what you thought would be the best video card for your money when building a gaming computer. What gives the best performance for the price, and please compare to other cards and their pricing. Thank youBest gaming video card for your money?
    There are many reviews on line about that. But a lot depends upon the games you play on the computer. Different ones need different types of video processors. Some benefit from higher VRAM, some from double cards in crossfire or SLI. Some need different levels of DirectX. Go to websites for games and their forums for advice.

    Some games don't benefit from better video cards. Microsoft Flight Simulator is a CPU intensive program that will work with almost any good video card and DirectX 9 or above. That is all that I have experience with.

    How do I recover what I lost on my computer?

    I recently got a pop-up from Microsoft and it wiped out my whole system! I was able to recover some things but not all! All my pictures, documents, music, and favorites are all gone! And one thing that's really driving me crazy is that I had Microsoft Word installed before this but now, It's not even on my desktop nor is it listed in my Programs folder.

    What should I do? How can I fix this?How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
    You will need to recover the data using something like asoftech data recovery.鈥?/a>

    I've had to use it many times in the past but in this case you need to plug that drive into another system as an external drive or slave drive and run the software from there. It will rebuild the drive and hopefully recover the files.

    Good luck.How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
    Check your recycle bin, or contact Microsoft. They should be at fault, or if you said that you wanted to wipe out your whole system, you're at fault.How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
    go through your history and re open the tabs/windows.
    i think u find backup soft or HDD install other PC

    Computer beep code on a windows 95 computer?

    I have an old HP computer with a Windows 95 OS in it. I recently started to use it after 5-8 years of neglecting it in my closet. It worked great for about 2 weeks but then it started to have boot up problems. Most of the time it would have this fast pace beeping sound upon turning it on with nothing in the monitor. After a few hard shutdowns it can start up normally but then it randomly restarts.

    I used this computer for typing out documents n stuff. I have a bit of files that I need on it but I cant get to it because of random resets. I don't want to spend money on a new computer unless I know this has broken completely or need spare parts (which I am not going to buy).

    Does anyone know what this computer beep code means? Its a fast pace nonstop beeping sound. I think its a HD failure because its old and haven't been used in a while.Computer beep code on a windows 95 computer?
    card not seated or needs re-seating, re-seat the ram, basically go through and check all connections and re-seat all cards etc, you might also change the cmos battery which is typically a cr-2032 but the number will be on the one in there.

    (edit)and an odd one years ago, the external power button sagged and was lightly pressing the actual switch post behind the faceplate. always worth checking as well as the plugs from the faceplate to the mobo, reset button, hd light etc.
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  • Is this a good computer?

    could this computer run games like crysis, fallout 3 gta 4 halo 2 cod 4 and 5? and in what settings?

    Intel Core 2 Extreme QX9650 3.00GHz 12MB Cache 1333MHz FSB

    1200 Watt Multi-GPU Approved Power Supply

    Dual 2GB GDDR5 ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 CrossFire


    NVIDIA庐 nForce 750i SLI Motherboard

    Windows Vista UltimateIs this a good computer?
    OMG, this is a QX processor! Heaven sent alright! :)

    I am unimpressed with the mere measly 4 gigs of RAM...what a let down for QX processor! Upgrade that to a better 8 gigs and make it DDR2 1066 or better and then you are a killer, LOL.

    4 gigs is too paltry for a QX killer processor! Don't gang tie the poor thing, release the power! Get more ram!
    It's a little out of balance. You've got an entry level motherboard paired with a power-user processor and video card. Not to mention, that video card is wasted horsepower (and money!) on anything less than a 30" monitor running at 2560 res.

    Most people just want the fastest possible and don't stop to think if it's even appropriate for their use.

    You can run fallout 3, GTA4, Halo 2, and Cod4 and Cod5, on much much less, and still have EVERYTHING maxed out, above refresh rate. Crysis is an exception. Personally, if you're spending that much on a system, at least get a better mobo like the 780 or 790. Also, most people (as much as they'd like to think they do) DON'T NEED THE 4870X2!

    The only game that would benefit from more then 4GB of RAM is Crysis... IF, and only if, you get the x64 version of windows. But you really won't see any performance difference.

    Also, as mentioned before, for the cost you're spending on this, you could easily get the Core i7 setup and it would be much better.

    If you have a 30" monitor, and if you have Vista 64-bit, then some of this hardware is appropriate, albeit overpriced and slightly old in the case of the processor. But otherwise, you're wasting a lot of money on performance you won't ever see. It's like buying a ferrari but not having a driver's license, ya know?Is this a good computer?
    go to nanafriend,

    they're a computer business that you'll get the best pc for your money.

    what they do is work with you to find out exactly what you want the computer for, and they will build a computer pinpointing things to make it best in whatever area, making it ideal for you and your needs.

    and they go by your budget too.

    if you buy ANY computer from a store, it will

    1.) be overpriced for what it cost to make, probably about 1/2 of your money would go to profitting the manufacturer and sales tax.

    2.) not be that great of quality. computers sold usually are for "general use" and all around 'decent'. but not good in any areas.

    if you go to nanafriend, they build one custom for you (you can even help with the building if you want, by choosing cases and all that, they're really cooperative)

    and they will make the best computer you can get for your money.

    basically the only thing you pay them for is to buy the parts to build the pc. they come up with a few design models for you, and let you choose which you like. you don't even need to know anything about computers, they do it all for you. they even customize too, with clear windows and LED lights and all that if that's what you're into.

    i bought a pc from them a while ago and am VERY satisfied with it.

    very good quality for way less price than any store.

    i don't think you'll get any decent computer for 500 dollars, but you'll definitely get the best pc you can buy for 500 dollars, if you go to nanafriend. probably 3x better than that one.

    all of their parts are brand new, they provide a warranty and even a lifetime of support service.

    you'll like them

    their page is

    hope i helped, good luck!
    congrads you win the best gaming computer award so far on yahoo answers,will you please post this on different sites,settings to me any

    one question you are using windows vista ultimate 64 bit,you can even

    run the best graphic game heavy rain,good luck and happy gaming,ps believe me the only other that will out do you is the playstation 3 the exspensive one about 800 bucksIs this a good computer?
    Yes its good

    u can run everything

    but if u going to get the 750i why would u get a ATI card脡

    if u wanna to upgrade down the road u have to buy a completely new card

    but if u get a GTX 295 which is better than the 4870x2, you can just buy a new GTX295 and put them in SLI
    The money that your spending on the QX9650 you could get an intel corei7 that is faster and cheaper.

    But in short yeh that pc will run all them games nice.
    It will run everything smoothly, however not always with AA,

    If your going to splurge like that, why not grab 8 GB of ram?
    it cant run crisis to its best settings, nor gta 4.but everything else is able to be run perfectly.
    Yeah its a great computer, could run those games on maximum settings, but crysis on high for best performance.
    This is an excellent computer to play games on.
    damn nice buddy. yes, it can run all those games in max setting. on crysis, depend how high the resolution.
    YES.On high settings.
    It's pretty easy when you just pick out the most expensive **** without thinking about it.
    i would have to say hell yeah that is one nice computer

    I have a few computer question?

    What is the difference between hibernate and sleep? How should I set up my lap top when it has not been used for a couple of minutes to save the battery shut off, hibernate, or sleep?I have a few computer question?
    Hiya Scratch! Listen, both XP and Vista suffer when it comes to hibernate mode. I have helped a lot of people here on Y!A fix weird problems with their computer and it almost always leads back to hibernate or sleep mode when it is being used. In addition, a lot of people have lost their operating system, been unable to recover from it, it has corrupted the operating system more times with more people than I can count. I HIGHLY and STRONGLY suggest you do not use hibernate, but instead, just turn the computer off. I know its a pain to have to reboot, but do you want to take a chance on corrupting your computer or loosing your O/S altogether?

    If you are just absolutely determined to do this, than I suggest that you back up your computer. Set a restore point BEFORE you go into hibernate or sleep mode, just in case. And secondly, back up to CD or DVD ALL of your important files, pictures, letters, data, etc.

    I just thought I would give you this warning before you ruin your computer.
    Standby is a low power state that the computer will enter after not being used for a preset amount of time. In standby the computer is conserving a lot more power than when you are using it. A computer in standby is also able to resume use almost instantly.

    Hibernate on the other hand is when the computer saves everything that is on the ram and is active to the hard drive, and then completely shuts down. When you press the power button later to turn the computer back on, windows will reload everything that you had open before you put it into hibernate. This is very useful if you have a web page open, and do not wish to lose it but are going to be away from the computer for a while.

    The computer will usually enter standby by itself after a certain amount of time. Most computers will only enter hibernate if told to. To make your computer enter hibernate open the start menu, click the power button, when the box with several different options appears hold shift and select hibernate when it appears.I have a few computer question?
    When using a laptop, its better to turn down the monitor screen, which is called sleep,

    Hibernating is like shutting down, but it save ur desktop screen and leaves ur work untouched. so u can regain back to work when u turn it on.

    Usually the screen resolution eat the battery life, so turning it off sleep mode is the best option, rather than u hibernating or shutting down, which take time to re log into.
    the difference between hibernate and sleep? hibernate its when every app saves its work and the clears the ram...

    sleep just turns of the screen and puts the rest in waitting mode...

    go to...

    start %26gt; control panel %26gt; power options...

    there you can adjust the setting for when your working with the battery or with the cord...I have a few computer question?
    Sleep is basically Stand by, and hibernate is saving exactly what you are doing and shutting down. though when you start up again it loads extremely more faster than when regular shutdown.

    Hook up a MacBook to a non-Apple monitor?


    Being on a laptop so much hurts my neck, so I was wanted to use my MacBook Pro like a desktop computer.

    I was wondering what the best way to hook up an Apple MacBook to a Gateway monitor is. Do you need some cable, what is the best and least expensive way to do this?

    Thank YouHook up a MacBook to a non-Apple monitor?
    Specific model details would produce a specific answer but in general you will need something like a Mini DVI to DVI or VGA depending on the connections available on the monitor and Mac.

    Is this a good computer for gaming?

    I was looking to buy a new desktop. I found one that I liked and was wondering if it's any good for gaming? Heres the specs:

    -Intel庐 Core鈩? Quad processor Q6600 (8MB L2, 2.4GHz, 1066FSB)

    -6GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 800MHz

    -ATI Radeon HD 3450 256MB supporting HDMI

    - Windows vista 64-bit

    Can this play games like GOW, Cod5 and other future games that will be coming out soon? If not what things should I change?Is this a good computer for gaming?
    I give a BIG thumbs up for the Q6600

    The 800 Mhz is now not as good tho, as 1066 Mhz, so you might think about that one - just a few buckos more. Of course, you have not told us what kind of motherboard, which is IMPORTANT in rating a computer .

    I am left unimpressed with that Radeon card. Can't you step up to an ATI Radeon HD 4850 or 4870 card?

    Without knowing some other things, like the motherboard, the hard disk type and size, its hard to estimate, but I would put this one at BELOW AVERAGE unless you can provide the motherboard manufacturer, name of board, stock number and version...and you up the quality of the RAM and especially the video since video is critical in a gamer quality rig.
    I don't think the Graphics Card is Good enough I'm afraid...

    I'd say you'd need the ATI Radeon HD 3650 at the bear minimum.

    When looking for a good gaming computer, I'd try to go for a graphics card with about 512MB (although you can probably cope with a 256MB at the minimum) and it MUST have a decent shader with it.

    This is a fairly standard recommended spec for games this year. (Taken from Dawn of War 2 Specs)

    Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista SP1

    AMD Athlon 64脳2 4400+ or any Intel Core 2 Duo

    2 GB RAM (XP and Vista)

    A 256MB Video Card (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900, or equivalent

    Good luck finding a decent machine.

    P.S. I don't think Gears of War is coming out on the PC, certainly not for a while.Is this a good computer for gaming?
    That's really minimum specifications for gaming. The 3450 is not a gaming card. The 3870 is the minimum ATI card that's suitable for modern gaming.

    If you can't afford a faster quad-core CPU, consider a faster dual-core CPU, like an E8400. More than two cores doesn't help much for gaming, and the Q6600 is an older (Kentsfield) CPU that's about 15% slower than modern (Yorkfield) Core 2's at the same clock speed.

    Update: The second configuration you asked about, the iBUYPOWER GS-900 has no graphics card. It would be lousy for gaming.
    The first spec is ok except for the graphics card which will run most games no faster than a slideshow.

    There's no way of getting around the fact that a good gaming PC is expensive and a cheap PC will not run new games at good resolutions.

    I produce high-quality PCs, both gaming and otherwise, so I know a little about what makes a good PC for gaming. I've posted an example below.

    Disclosure: This is a link to one of my products for informational purposes only. I only sell to the UK and it appears that the asker is not from the UK.Is this a good computer for gaming?
    That system should play any modern game relatively well. The only hiccup might be the graphics card. You might want a card with more memory (512MB or even 1GB). A nVidia 8800 or greater, or a higher end ATI card should have more memory. If you're really looking for high-end gaming performance, consider a system with SLI (2+ graphics cards working together). That will undoubtedly play any games now, and for a while into the future.
    Your graphic card choice on BOTH absolutely kills your system. Try a PCI express Radeon 4850 or the nVidia equivalent. Avoid integrated video chips, and previous generation video cards at all costs!

    PC games don't really benefit of 64 bit Windows, more than 4MB of RAM, and a quad core CPU... yet. Maybe you should try a mid performing PC with a mid-high $150 - 200 video card. Check gaming PC buying guides, for example, at
    I am going to say it will not be a good experience for you, you will need better graphics card.COD5 runs on low setting on a 7900gs. and the HD3450 is lower than the 7600 and that thing is slow. I would say you would have to upgrade to really enjoy FPS games.

    here is the chart to help you see were the 3450 fall into鈥?/a>
    Definitely think about getting an Nvidia card, but otherwise, hell yes it is. I have a Core-2 Quad at 2.5GHz per core and it's FANTASTIC. %26lt;3

    I only have 3GB of RAM, and I still do fine even while I run music, video and photo editing software.

    I don't know if you need Vista 64-bit, though. I'd think about just using 32-bit, frankly.
    to me i know windows vista still have problems with, i will use windows xp i think this will solve the problem
    Yes, But the first thing you will want to replace when you upgrade is the video card, probably in about a year. The other hardware and OS should be good for at least 2 years.
    You need a better graphics card. An Ati 4870 or one of the new Nvidia 260. You need to say at what resolution and level of eye candy i.e AA you want.
    It's pretty good for gaming, but the graphics card could be a bit better.
    need better graphics card
    its good but the video card is need to be better

    If I play Zwinky on Google chrome, will the toolbar still be installed and hurt my computer?

    If I get Google Chrome, then get zwinky, will it still hurt my computer with adware, spyware, malware, and viruses or not? I know it's only the toolbar that hurts my computer so what if I have a anti virus program? If that will work, what one should I get?If I play Zwinky on Google chrome, will the toolbar still be installed and hurt my computer?
    Spyware doesn't protect you from everything, and your not supposed to have more than one computer protection program at once, they conflict each other making your computer for vulnerable than ever. And as the for tool bar, if you trust the source and they want you to download the toolbar, you can simply download it then remove by either accessing your controlling panels, clicking on uninstall a program, find the tool bar, and delete it. Your can also easily disable if by clicking the x on the toolbar in your internet browser. Good luck
  • benihanas
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  • Saturday, February 25, 2012

    Whats a good site to use to convert youtube videos to mp3?

    i knew of a two really good ones, but it was awhile back

    i dont remember the names and it was under my favorites on a different computer.

    what do you use, or what sites do you know of?

    -i know i can just google it- but nothing i found was really any good..Whats a good site to use to convert youtube videos to mp3? `
    Hi, if you want to convert youtube videos to mp3 files, that's easy, I used RZ YoutubeGet to do that easily, you can yahoo or google search and download RZ YoutubeGet, it can be used to download youtube videos and convert to any format video files or mp3 audio files, etc, hope it can help you too.Whats a good site to use to convert youtube videos to mp3?
    I never use any software to convert files. But look at this sites if you wanna mp3 to text or audio to text… and…

    Thank You
    You can also convert with software.

    I can recommend you the best one.

    The trial version is free.Whats a good site to use to convert youtube videos to mp3?
    You can try YouTube to MP3 Converter
    Google YouTube converter
    You're the reason SOPA and PIPA exist.
    I use this one -
    try this one

    Does rosetta stone work?

    I really want to learn Japanese for a variety of reasons, such as japanese products that I buy that don't have english languages or text such as video games/movies and the fact that i would like to take a trip to japan one day. I cannot risk taking a class in my college at the moment because I want to transfer out to a new campus soon and cannot risk having my GPA lowered if I do badly. So I thought of rosette stone. I've heard about how good it's been rated, but I'm also not an idiot who believes everything he hears. Has rosetta stone done as its advertised for you? Did it come easily? And also what computer systems does it work with? (Please only answer if you have used it yourself to learn Japanese)Does rosetta stone work?
    Hai! Works fine. You get out of it what you put into it.
    Any computer with speakers or an audio port.Does rosetta stone work?
    It's worked very well for me. The only thing is you already need to have some pre-knowledge of the language you're learning, otherwise you find it very difficult.Does rosetta stone work?
    No. its polite only. speaks too slow. not enough examples. many mistakes

    The BEST way is on a website. Websites now a days are better than books.

    Websites are often updated, have tons of information, and are a bonus if they are free. Its easy to access.

    The best free website is;


    - Full Japanese lessons

    - Polite, Casual and slang

    - Kanji %26amp; kana

    - Video lessons

    - Largest vocabulary lists

    - + more

    Best NON free website (free for 1 week trial only)


    - Audio %26amp; video lessons

    - Polite and Casual

    - Lots of podcasts

    - unfortunately not free, you only get 1 week free trial

    (but just keep signing up with fake email)

    These two websites. Even though there are many, I belive these are the best because they have the MOST information.
    I've heard mixed reviews about using Rosetta Stone for learning Japanese. The best way to learn Japanese is by taking a class, enrolling in a course or investing in a good textbook. If you can't take classes then the self-study method with the correct resources is a good way.

    The key to learning Japanese effectively is to work on your grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Its best to think of these as separate categories and focus on each specific category as these require different methods and techniques.

    Start by learning the basics through grammar. These books really helped me.

    ? Shin Nihongo no Kiso I %26amp; II…

    ? An Introduction to Modern Japanese by Osamu Mizutani %26amp; Nobuko Mizutani…

    ? Japanese Demystified by Eriko Sato a self-teaching guide…

    These books cover both polite Japanese, which is extremely important to learn in order to speak Japanese effectively and causal Japanese, which is great for everyday conversations.

    I also recommend trying to learn a certain amount of vocab or kanji each day as this helps you build up your vocab and kanji ability. I tried to learn 5 kanji per day or about 20 a week and did the same with vocab.

    Watching Japanese anime or any Japanese TV program is a good idea for improving your listening skills and also your vocabulary. Keep a notebook and jot down any new words you hear. Then look them up and find out the meaning.

    Websites are not always the best way to learn Japanese. Most websites are run by people with no teaching credentials and are not even native speakers of Japanese. Some of them are just interested in making money and not in helping you in what you need to be successful in learning Japanese.

    How to Learn Japanese…

    PLEASE GUYS ADVISE!How did my ex move on so fast, what do I do? Is there really a way to get your ex back?

    I really thought this guy was the one. We had been through so much together. He broke up with me 2 weeks ago and he cried for hours. (In the back of my head I was like, "Why the **** are you crying I am the one getting broken up with!") Than before I left his house we had sex twice..that was stupid on my part. What hurt the most was when he said, "I hope you know us having sex doesn't change anything we are still broken up." G thanks! Than before I leave I start taking all the photos of us down from his room where he says, "No I want to keep them, can you also send me other pictures of us that you have on your computer?" (What?! Hell no!) He said he still wanted to be friends and I said no and blocked him off facebook. Than he starts talking to some girl not even a few days after we broke up. He told me he was inviting her over while we were still together. I chewed him out for seeing a picture of them together after we split and he told me I was over reacting. How is he over me so fast and why cant I do the same! He says he still cares about me but doesn't ever want to be with me again. Do guys just say that, is there any way to truly get your ex back? I'm tired of all these phony sites telling me how to get your ex back by sending them money. Please honest opinion guys?PLEASE GUYS ADVISE!How did my ex move on so fast, what do I do? Is there really a way to get your ex back?
    Hey, whether you're trying to get your ex back, mend a relationship or get over a broken heart, it's important that you make the decision which actually works. I followed the advice in the articles on the website listed below my answer. Have a read of the articles and best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

    Here's the site by the way:
    why would you want him back?

    he was fishing before you guys broke up

    thats how he moved on so fast

    he had started to move on before he broke up with youPLEASE GUYS ADVISE!How did my ex move on so fast, what do I do? Is there really a way to get your ex back?
    this guy sounds like a total waste, why would you want to be with someone who was looking around for other girls while he was still with you. It sounds like he wasn't sure about your relationship but didn't want to break up with you and be alone, so he was looking for someone so he could just make that easy jump. honestly i'm sure you're a lot better than that, you're going to have to go through all the motions and pain with this one, just cut all contact with him and maybe get rid of stuff that reminds you of him, you'll feel a lot better after time and be a lot stronger after it as well, but this guy is not someone you want to be having relationships with because he doesn't sound nice at all if he can do this someone and he'll probably do it to this new girl as well
    There are many ways to get back your ex boyfriend. But the proven and which works are very few. When I was going through the same dilemma I just followed the tricks from a Free eCourse and as it promised, I got my girlfriend. No problem it works for both female and male. It just worked for me. You too can try.鈥?/a>

    Hope that helps!PLEASE GUYS ADVISE!How did my ex move on so fast, what do I do? Is there really a way to get your ex back?
    Dear, trust me, you shouldn't waste your precious time over this selfish and mean ex of yours.

    I know, these harsh words will hurt you, but its a reality that this guy won't be back to you unless he wants something out of you. Again, if he sees that he is got his thing done, he will change his color %26amp; will hurt you the same way.

    Men like him are very smart and are driven with motive. There are two reasons why he could move on:

    First, he believes that he has got everything out of you and that you had nothing more %26amp; new to give him.

    Second, he got somebody who could either give the same or more than, what you were giving him.

    Its either of these two reasons which drove this person away from you.

    And remember, even if somehow you get him back. The things won't be the same ever. This small distrust he has generated will always hamper the relationship and he would keep on breaking your heart forever.

    I am a relationship consultant, if you thing that you can't stop thinking about him or you wish to erase his thoughts, contact me at

    LIFE is Beautiful, Hold Your Heart in Your Fist and MOve onnnn....