Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I have a few computer question?

What is the difference between hibernate and sleep? How should I set up my lap top when it has not been used for a couple of minutes to save the battery shut off, hibernate, or sleep?I have a few computer question?
Hiya Scratch! Listen, both XP and Vista suffer when it comes to hibernate mode. I have helped a lot of people here on Y!A fix weird problems with their computer and it almost always leads back to hibernate or sleep mode when it is being used. In addition, a lot of people have lost their operating system, been unable to recover from it, it has corrupted the operating system more times with more people than I can count. I HIGHLY and STRONGLY suggest you do not use hibernate, but instead, just turn the computer off. I know its a pain to have to reboot, but do you want to take a chance on corrupting your computer or loosing your O/S altogether?

If you are just absolutely determined to do this, than I suggest that you back up your computer. Set a restore point BEFORE you go into hibernate or sleep mode, just in case. And secondly, back up to CD or DVD ALL of your important files, pictures, letters, data, etc.

I just thought I would give you this warning before you ruin your computer.
Standby is a low power state that the computer will enter after not being used for a preset amount of time. In standby the computer is conserving a lot more power than when you are using it. A computer in standby is also able to resume use almost instantly.

Hibernate on the other hand is when the computer saves everything that is on the ram and is active to the hard drive, and then completely shuts down. When you press the power button later to turn the computer back on, windows will reload everything that you had open before you put it into hibernate. This is very useful if you have a web page open, and do not wish to lose it but are going to be away from the computer for a while.

The computer will usually enter standby by itself after a certain amount of time. Most computers will only enter hibernate if told to. To make your computer enter hibernate open the start menu, click the power button, when the box with several different options appears hold shift and select hibernate when it appears.I have a few computer question?
When using a laptop, its better to turn down the monitor screen, which is called sleep,

Hibernating is like shutting down, but it save ur desktop screen and leaves ur work untouched. so u can regain back to work when u turn it on.

Usually the screen resolution eat the battery life, so turning it off sleep mode is the best option, rather than u hibernating or shutting down, which take time to re log into.
the difference between hibernate and sleep? hibernate its when every app saves its work and the clears the ram...

sleep just turns of the screen and puts the rest in waitting mode...

go to...

start %26gt; control panel %26gt; power options...

there you can adjust the setting for when your working with the battery or with the cord...I have a few computer question?
Sleep is basically Stand by, and hibernate is saving exactly what you are doing and shutting down. though when you start up again it loads extremely more faster than when regular shutdown.

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