Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is the problem with my computer? how can i fix it?

my computer is always making engine-like noise.. my in-law says it's because i have too many files on my computer.. but i don't know what? i clear my recycle bin, i deleted a whole bunch of pictures.. so i don't really know where the problem is.. i've deleted everything i could think of, from temporary files to programs i no longer use.. please help me fix my computer.. i have 448 MB of RAM and for my PRESARIO (C:) i have 27.9 GB used space and 154 GB free space, if that at all helpsWhat is the problem with my computer? how can i fix it?
Well, the "engine noises" might be due to several things. First of all, it is a MECHANICAL problem. You cannot get NOISE from something which does not move and data does not move like mechanical parts do.

1). Power Supply or Case Fans - Ball bearings could be going out or they are clogged with dirt and filth - clean the computer out with a vacuum cleaner. Clean the fans in both the power supply unit and the case fan fins. If this does not work, replace the power supply unit or the case fans or both.

2). The CPU Fan bearings are going out. Clean the CPU cooling fan fins of dirt and filth. If this does not work, replace the CPU/Heatsink unit with a new one.

3). The hard disk is wearing out and the bearings are wearing out in particular. Back up all your data to CD or DVD and prepare to purchase a new hard disk. You may need to purchase a full version of the operating system if you do not have one.

Dirt, filth, grease and ball bearings are the main reason for NOISE.What is the problem with my computer? how can i fix it?
Well you probably need to go get a new hard drive. Mine had this exact same problem and the noise gets to be unbearable. I backed up everything to my external hard drive and replaced my old one with a newer and much bigger one. I then went through and cleaned everything I could reach and get air to. I took apart and cleaned my power supply(you would be amazed how much this helps with power flow), I took all my fans out and just replaced them. Its much easier to just go buy new fans than to clean them. new fans will run you about $2-$5, $5 for a led light fan and $2 for a regular one. Hope that helpsWhat is the problem with my computer? how can i fix it?
I can think of a couple possibilities.....

1) Check and see if it's the fan in your computer. It might of gone bad, which can definitely make a loud noise.

2) Have you had an update lately? Especially around the time the noise started? Sometimes either upgrading drivers or downgrading drivers can change the way your fan/disks act.
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