Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Computer Virus - Typing randomly and refreshing, HELP!?

I don't consider myself a computer noob, but I'm really lost for what to do.

Last night my computer starting acting odd. Firstly, my pages started to refresh by themselves. I thought it was Facebook being irritating, but it started on all my pages. Then as I was typing, other random letters, symbols and numbers would pop up. Sometimes I didn't even have to type and random characters would appear in a comment box when I clicked it.

I visited a site I don't usually go on that offered help with some work I have for college, and straight after is when it started. It definitely seems like a virus and not my keyboard acting up. I've did several scans last night, medium and deep, and neither picked anything up. I did one today and it found one thing, and I though that was it and I'd solved it. But then tonight it started again.

I have Zonealarm and Malwarebytes so I'm assuming it must be a very well hidden virus to have gotten through.

I don't know how to get rid of it, and it's making my computing unusable. :/

Please help me! :(Computer Virus - Typing randomly and refreshing, HELP!?
You have yourself Computer Aids,Holding F8 on startup will work when pressed on startup but delete everything on your computer.Computer Virus - Typing randomly and refreshing, HELP!?
Please specify the URL of the site that supposedly infected the PC in the additional details so i can check this site on WOT.

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