Saturday, February 25, 2012

Is it possible to repair a computer which doesn't boot?


My part time interest is to fix computer software and hardware problem.

I had recently different experience with my friend's computer as it was not booting.

1. I double checked with hardware components if they were set correctly.

2. The reason processor fan turns on and then turns off.

3. I changed the SMPS unit to a brand new one so it might fix the problem but it did not work.

4. I took it to a regular computer servicing shop and they informed me that motherboard BIOS is not working.

5. I informed my friend the motherboard has to be changed.

After some days I got response saying that her uncle has fixed the computer and there was issue only with power supply.

I am confused. Is that possible or is my friend saying lies?

What are you opinion about this case?

Thank you in advance,

SantoshIs it possible to repair a computer which doesn't boot?
I am not there so I do not know if your friend is saying lies. Sometimes a BIOS reset MIGHT correct issues. The computer might not work no matter what you replace until the CMOS battery is removed or a jumper/hard reset is performed.

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