Saturday, February 25, 2012

Will it be hard for me to find a job after college if I major in computer science? What good jobs are there?

I really wanna switch my major from math educaiton to computer science. I started my first class just for fun, just because I neeeded one more class at college to get full time credit, but my dad is not really supportive. He said the computer science does not lead anywhere these days due to IT majors, outsourcing, and that its either you become a software engineer or not, but he said computer science leads no where and I should just stay with teaching....dont get me wrong, my class is hard soemtimes. Last night I had to code a webpage, but did it!!!! I like it, its fascinaitng. But is my dad right, is computer science useless. Mark Zuckerberg used to major in it, so he must've had some plan.....what job opportunites will there be for me???Will it be hard for me to find a job after college if I major in computer science? What good jobs are there?
you could work for google, microsoft, apple they are always looking for fresh faces .

you could also work for a gaming company that produces video games for consoles like PS3,XBOX, and wii they need coders to make video games .Will it be hard for me to find a job after college if I major in computer science? What good jobs are there?
There are definately jobs out there for those with computer science degrees. That being said, do not hold your breath expecting to be the next billionaire. Your skills are needed and you can make a great salary...with a little hope you may end up the next billionaire.

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