Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Good Computer power supply?

I am looking for a new power supply for my computer, because the one that i have does not provide the right amount of power for the updates that i am looking to make. I would like to purchase one in the 500w to 600w range. The only problem is that all the reviews that i read seem to have a lot of people experiencing problems with them. These problems include everything from it frying their motherboard to starting an electrical fire right out of the box. What is a good power supply that you have had a lot of luck with. I would really like to not have to replace my new computers motherboard.Good Computer power supply?
If you want REAL reliability, use ANTEC power supplies. I have used them for years, NEVER ONCE have I had a single computer burn up after building hundreds of computers with them. I am really happy to see you are so conscientious, I warn people here continuously about cheap unreliable power supplies.

Corsair and Rosewell are also name brands that have gained significant user and new computer builder confidence, but my experience is almost entirelyl with ANTEC - I can tell you this much, ANTEC is built in the US and is not a piece of cheap Taiwan or Chinese garbage. Even if a new computer case comes with a "stock" power supply, I always replace it with ANTEC and I have yet to regret it.

Stay away from Thermaltake, I tried one and it fried a mobo up on one computer, so Thermaltake is outta here.

ANTEC has some really great supplies in the 500 - 600 Watt range at a very reasonable price, usually in the $70 - $100 range. You can shop around the net, like Newegg, Tigerdirect and Amazon and see if you can come up with a model that suits you, or just go to

And take a look at the specs first - choose one and then go price it out.Good Computer power supply?
I have not purchased a power supply for my computer, but my roommate who is majoring in computer science would recommend Sparkle. If you look at Newegg's power supply page, it lists many power supplies with high ratings.Good Computer power supply?
The best kind that i find are Corsair power supplies. When i bought mine and put it in my acer computer and turned it on i though i had broke it because it was so amazingly quiet. It has never overheated and is probably the least likely part of my computer to catch fire. Other good brands are Antec OCZ and Rocketfish
antec and enermax are pretty reliable brands. i'd recommend reading reviews on newegg. neither are cheap because you have to pay for quality.

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