Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What does it take to be a recording engineer?

i'm kind of thinking about being a recording engineer, i think it's a job i'd really love to do. but what does it take, really? i'm good with computers, but i've never had any experience with mixing or recording and i can't see when i ever will. i really really love music, but not a really wide variety, would that be a problem? could i still make it as a recording engineer with a degree from college or university but not having any experience before then?What does it take to be a recording engineer?
ok first of all, experience is vital, alot of studios dont even care about your degrees or other qualitfications they want to know that you have actualy got experience. a good way of getting experience is just getting out there and doing it, learn the basics then offer to do free sound for bands at gigs. thats another thing you have got to think about, what area of work you would want, live sound, tracking (recording), mixing, mastering, producing. they are all quite different areas and you should figure out which suits you best.

after all this the job takes alot of love, as it is notorious for paying teribly. you have to realy love doing it, and have the will to constantly learn new things about it.

i hope this may have provoked some more thoughts about it all, good luck :)What does it take to be a recording engineer?
the first post is very good

real experience,

and a "good ear" (which they can't teach)

are the most important talents

the schools and degrees don't hurt, but they are a small piece of what you need

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