Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Computer beep code on a windows 95 computer?

I have an old HP computer with a Windows 95 OS in it. I recently started to use it after 5-8 years of neglecting it in my closet. It worked great for about 2 weeks but then it started to have boot up problems. Most of the time it would have this fast pace beeping sound upon turning it on with nothing in the monitor. After a few hard shutdowns it can start up normally but then it randomly restarts.

I used this computer for typing out documents n stuff. I have a bit of files that I need on it but I cant get to it because of random resets. I don't want to spend money on a new computer unless I know this has broken completely or need spare parts (which I am not going to buy).

Does anyone know what this computer beep code means? Its a fast pace nonstop beeping sound. I think its a HD failure because its old and haven't been used in a while.Computer beep code on a windows 95 computer?
card not seated or needs re-seating, re-seat the ram, basically go through and check all connections and re-seat all cards etc, you might also change the cmos battery which is typically a cr-2032 but the number will be on the one in there.

(edit)and an odd one years ago, the external power button sagged and was lightly pressing the actual switch post behind the faceplate. always worth checking as well as the plugs from the faceplate to the mobo, reset button, hd light etc.
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