Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?

A bully boss has hired a hacker to spy on me

The police came and took my report and computers including various log files that I had acquired

They were happy

What is going to happen next?What type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?
I have to wonder what you were doing illegally if it was necessary to send out a spy to keep an eye on you.

Did you want to apologize for anything while you have out attention?

- StuartWhat type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?
A boss or company has every right to know what you are doing on their computers. You have no right if privacy on them. Most companies spy on their employees, its just that most people just don't know.What type of bully boss hires a hacker to spy on you ?
Anything you do on company owned equipment may be subject to monitoring. You shouldn't expect privacy on their systems/networks. If they had enough information to bring in the police, you may want to seriously think about hiring an attorney. Seems like you'll need it soon.

** Edit **
Your boss isn't a "bully", they are just protecting the company. The actions of an employee can put the entire company at risks so monitoring the devices is fairly common. As an example, my employer tracks the software installed on the computers using an inventory application. While limiting user permissions is a good step, there are some people that have a legitimate need for administrative rights and the software tracks to make sure we're in compliance with licenses. The last thing the company wants is the Business Software Alliance coming in to audit the systems so the IT staff do it proactively to keep us legal.
This is scary. Yes, did you do anything that terrible to deserve this? You can send an anonymous email via to him. I heard that site works.

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