Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How to remove a cpu from your mainboard if there is no switch?


My mainboard and cpu seems 'indivisible' in a sense that there is no

switch or a lever that is seen on pretty much all mainboards these

days. My cpu and Mainboard seems to be attached directly to each

other without any switch, medium, or a lever in between them, which

is very uncommon.

I bought my computer like 4 years ago and the cpu is a

Pro 3000+ which is equivalent to an AMD Athlon 1700+ and I don't

know what the mainboard model # is. Anyways, is it even possible

to disattach the cpu from the mainboard in a situation like this?

Any computer experts out there?

Have a nice day.How to remove a cpu from your mainboard if there is no switch?
It sounds like the CPU is hardwired to the socket, in other words, they soldered it in. I cannot see the board or the CPU, so not sure. The only thing you could try and do is get a CPU puller. This is a specialized tool that is made for chips (also called, a chip puller). I think the CPU may have to be desoldered, the back of the board, but since I cannot see it, not sure. It may be that the chip puller will do the job without any desoldering.

See this:鈥?/a>

See this for a picture of a chip puller:

Here are some other chip pullers for sale -鈥?/a>
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