Saturday, February 25, 2012

Problems with a computer I built.?

I recently built a computer. All the parts were purchased and I decided it would be a fun thing to build my own computer, however I've run into some unexpected issues. Here is what I've purchased

Black ATX case with a 550w power supply and 250mm fan on the side

nForce 730a motherboard with 8300 Nvidia graphics card integrated

AMD 64x2 3.0ghz CPU

Seagate 500gb 7200rpm harddrive

LG DVD CD drive

2 x 2gb Corsair RAM

I plugged everything in, and it all came together nicely. The power supply had a 20-24 pin plug for the mother board and a 4 pin, but the motherboard had an 8 pin slot. So I purchased an adapter. Other than that, it seemed like everything worked out well. I have the Operating Systems and everything, it's just the computer won't turn on. The only thing that happens when I plug it in is the blue LED light on the motherboard turns on, and the Green power LED turns on. The instructions that came with the motherboard instruct me to hit the clear button and then the power button, and I do that and nothing happens still. I'm a little new to this as you can see, and I'm hoping someone can help out! Thank you in advance!!!Problems with a computer I built.?
Why don't you email me at Yahoo and lets see if I can help.

I need to know the exact motherboard - is it Asus, Gigabyte, what is the model of the motherboard? I will need to look this up and study the motherboard to determine what is going on and help you troubleshoot.Problems with a computer I built.?
Start disconnecting. Reduce to one stick of RAM, then the other. Disconnect the HD and optical, just to see if it will post. Make sure your heatsink is properly mounted. Tilted slightly, or not fastened down properly will mean no booting sequence.

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