Saturday, February 25, 2012

Does rosetta stone work?

I really want to learn Japanese for a variety of reasons, such as japanese products that I buy that don't have english languages or text such as video games/movies and the fact that i would like to take a trip to japan one day. I cannot risk taking a class in my college at the moment because I want to transfer out to a new campus soon and cannot risk having my GPA lowered if I do badly. So I thought of rosette stone. I've heard about how good it's been rated, but I'm also not an idiot who believes everything he hears. Has rosetta stone done as its advertised for you? Did it come easily? And also what computer systems does it work with? (Please only answer if you have used it yourself to learn Japanese)Does rosetta stone work?
Hai! Works fine. You get out of it what you put into it.
Any computer with speakers or an audio port.Does rosetta stone work?
It's worked very well for me. The only thing is you already need to have some pre-knowledge of the language you're learning, otherwise you find it very difficult.Does rosetta stone work?
No. its polite only. speaks too slow. not enough examples. many mistakes

The BEST way is on a website. Websites now a days are better than books.

Websites are often updated, have tons of information, and are a bonus if they are free. Its easy to access.

The best free website is;


- Full Japanese lessons

- Polite, Casual and slang

- Kanji %26amp; kana

- Video lessons

- Largest vocabulary lists

- + more

Best NON free website (free for 1 week trial only)


- Audio %26amp; video lessons

- Polite and Casual

- Lots of podcasts

- unfortunately not free, you only get 1 week free trial

(but just keep signing up with fake email)

These two websites. Even though there are many, I belive these are the best because they have the MOST information.
I've heard mixed reviews about using Rosetta Stone for learning Japanese. The best way to learn Japanese is by taking a class, enrolling in a course or investing in a good textbook. If you can't take classes then the self-study method with the correct resources is a good way.

The key to learning Japanese effectively is to work on your grammar, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Its best to think of these as separate categories and focus on each specific category as these require different methods and techniques.

Start by learning the basics through grammar. These books really helped me.

? Shin Nihongo no Kiso I %26amp; II…

? An Introduction to Modern Japanese by Osamu Mizutani %26amp; Nobuko Mizutani…

? Japanese Demystified by Eriko Sato a self-teaching guide…

These books cover both polite Japanese, which is extremely important to learn in order to speak Japanese effectively and causal Japanese, which is great for everyday conversations.

I also recommend trying to learn a certain amount of vocab or kanji each day as this helps you build up your vocab and kanji ability. I tried to learn 5 kanji per day or about 20 a week and did the same with vocab.

Watching Japanese anime or any Japanese TV program is a good idea for improving your listening skills and also your vocabulary. Keep a notebook and jot down any new words you hear. Then look them up and find out the meaning.

Websites are not always the best way to learn Japanese. Most websites are run by people with no teaching credentials and are not even native speakers of Japanese. Some of them are just interested in making money and not in helping you in what you need to be successful in learning Japanese.

How to Learn Japanese…

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