Saturday, February 25, 2012

How do you reformat a computer?

i was going to reformat my computer when i realized i don't know how. so what i was wondering was how do i do it. i looked online and some people say you need cds and stuff, but i don't know. anyways if i reformat will i lose the programs in which my computer came with. when i got my computer, it was a gift an when i turned it on(which was right out of the box) it had programs on it such as Microsoft office 2007, windows 7, itunes, etc. so if i reformat will i lose those programs, because i have no disks for majority of the programs it started with. im not sure if this helps but my computer is a desktop, it is windows xp, its a dell inspiron, i got it on 12/25/07, and since then have added one gb of ram. if ytou know what i need to do can you please tell me, thanks.How do you reformat a computer?
Hi Joe. Yes, if you reformat, you will loose EVERYTHING. So back up all your stuff to CD's first.

You can use a piece of free software called GPARTED to reformat with:

What I think you should do is first call Dell and ask them what you can do to restore your computer. You could buy a set of those disks to restore your computer with the software, but you will have to ask Dell what to do about it. That is the only way I think you can retain your software.

You will probably loose all your itunes...I hate Apple, and the recording industry with their greed and digital rights management BS. I think if you pay for a song you should be able to make a legal backup copy which is the LAW in the copyright law, but they prevent people from making backups and violate your civil rights anyway. As long as a person is not pirating the music for sale, I don't see any reason why a person should not be allowed to burn copies for their own personal use and then restore them to another computer or play them as MP3's or whatever - but you know how things go in this country where only the rich people get their way with everything, right?

My suggestion again Joe is first, talk to Dell Support and ask them if you can buy a set of disks from them that will restore your computer to its original factory settings, including the installed licensed software.

Ultimately, if they will not sell you the software, you are going to loose it, because sooner or later EVERYONE has to reformat and reinstall the operating system, for whatever reason...and Dell knows that all right.
To reformat the hard drive you need the windows installation CD. Just reboot the computer using the CD and it will guide you for fresh installation. Obviously when you do that, all software and programs installed on that hard drive will be erased and you need the installation cd for every software.

Why do you need to reformat anyway ?How do you reformat a computer?
Okay you can still reformat your computer without worrying you may lose some programs. Just take note that before you reformat your computer make a back up on all your files. Have a disk on this case in order for you to save the necessary programs/files you want to save.
Dear joe85985

one question from me solved everything

%26gt;Do You Have XP Installation CD ???

*if You Don't Have = Forget It, you can't format without CD XP Installation

*if You Have = just reply, yes you have it (and I'll be back to tell you how)

%26gt;good luck!How do you reformat a computer?
if you download gentoo and put it on a cd you can reformat your computer
Ok buddy you can get off the buss anytime you want to
what kind of computer?

If its a Compaq or an HP when you are starting up the computer press F10 or whichever one it is...

If you use any other kind of computer, you need the recovery discs, insert it into your optical drive, then restart your computer, it should start up the reformatting process automatically

yes you will loose all information that it didnt come with, all document and all photos, even third party software like games and mp3 players aside from WMP, everything that came with the computer when you bought it will be restored to the factory default, basically going back in time without a way to instantly regain what you lost, you will start all over, like your Computer was Bran new. it will run better too, but soon revert back to the way things were... but not entirely.
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