Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?


I have an annoying problem with my computer. One day, my computer suddenly restarted on its own. When i turned it back on many things changed. Vista was no longer in use. It was as if my computer was using windows 2000. Also, all of my files, applications were deleted.

I tried using system restore to get back my files and applications. This worked to a certain extent. When i restart/shutoff my computer, after getting my files back through system restore, and turn it back on, the files and applications are deleted again.

I do not want to do system restore everytime i turn off my computer.

What is wrong? help please!!!My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?
You're using Windows. There's your problem.My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?
The reason why your files got deleted is because you had files open when the computer shut down , therefore, you need to go to a computer specialist to fix your computer , it isn't right for a computer to just shut down on you ,..

Another reason is because you had a newer version of windows and when it deleted it you got the older version so every file that couldn't go onto windows 2000 got deleted .My files gets deleted when i restart/shut off computer?
you either have a virus, or something is wrong with something inside your computer.

files aren't being permanently written to the hard-drive.

and vista is in use, your computer has just reverted to windows classic theme.

this may be a sign that your something is wrong with your ram, because it cant handle the aero theme anymore.

go to system profiler (or whatever its called in windows) and make sure all your specs match up to what your computer actually has.

and Kanye, I totally agree, lol.

you use a mac?

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