Wednesday, February 29, 2012

How do I recover what I lost on my computer?

I recently got a pop-up from Microsoft and it wiped out my whole system! I was able to recover some things but not all! All my pictures, documents, music, and favorites are all gone! And one thing that's really driving me crazy is that I had Microsoft Word installed before this but now, It's not even on my desktop nor is it listed in my Programs folder.

What should I do? How can I fix this?How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
You will need to recover the data using something like asoftech data recovery.鈥?/a>

I've had to use it many times in the past but in this case you need to plug that drive into another system as an external drive or slave drive and run the software from there. It will rebuild the drive and hopefully recover the files.

Good luck.How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
Check your recycle bin, or contact Microsoft. They should be at fault, or if you said that you wanted to wipe out your whole system, you're at fault.How do I recover what I lost on my computer?
go through your history and re open the tabs/windows.
i think u find backup soft or HDD install other PC

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