Wednesday, February 29, 2012

I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?

AMD Phenom x4 BE, on an MSI K9A2 Platnum Mother Board, and as soon as I plug it into the wall, and switch the breaker on the Power Supply, the comptuer starts up, fans spin up, and lights light up, but nothing happens on the monitor. From what I can hear, I don't think the hard drive is spinning up (though I could be wrong). I could really use help!!! I spent alot of money on this comptuer, and hope that I didn't screw it up!I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?
Yes, often, if you did not shove that video card all the way into the PCIe slot, you can miss full contact. I downloaded your mobo manual to take a look, but everything has top-down diagrams, so I cannot tell if you have a lock in clip onthat PCIe slot. There are various ways to lock the card into place, one is like a push thumb type and the other is a clip that comes underneath the card and locks it in from under one end. This ensures that heat expansion and contraction do not loosen the card.

What I would do it pull the video card out and then FIRMLY reseat the card and make sure any retaining clip is completely locked into the card. Then, hold one side down in the slot with the thumb of one hand while you reseat the screw to the chasis firmly. Make sure you tighten both sides of the monitor cable to the card equally, as sometimes, if you turn one screw more than the other, you do not get a firm contact.

I am betting anything it is a loose video card.I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?
Is the monitor plugged in correctly?I just built a new computer, and it the fans spin up, but nothing else happens.?
Recheck connections.

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