Saturday, February 25, 2012

What is the lowest temperature a human could survive?

Assuming that they are properly protected and wouldn't be exposed more than an hour at a time.

Also, if the temperature got too low, would machines, such as computers, phones, anything mechanical stop working?What is the lowest temperature a human could survive?
People have frozen in the upper atmosphere and have thawed quickly on descent and survived. The mobile phone did freeze up up the GPS kept working registering the proof of the height and temperature. I saw it a few weeks ago on a repeat of "amazing survival stories" on TV. It was a paragliding competition in australia where they were caught in a storm and the female pilot survived. I also saw a show where the pilot of a jumbo was sucked out the window. The others hung on to him and he too survived by descending quickly.

Re equipment. - the Apollo 13 froze on its way back to earth. Everything was dripping water but I think it still worked.

Also if you are properly protected then you really aren't operating at those temperatures. You can die from breathing in frozen air......Going somewhere??What is the lowest temperature a human could survive?
Below frezzin gtemperaters I think.What is the lowest temperature a human could survive?
a human can sirvive probly ust barle n the -20's

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